Friday, February 18, 2011

The Ultimate Element Crssword

Freemasonry and the Beast: Sect cult black or white?

Masonry sect "black or white sect? a newspaper headline that defines the view of some social sectors with respect to the Order. The cover Leo magazine dedicated to Masonry Plan in 1964 (1).

Here are some comments tasty or perhaps could be said to fit the tone of the issue, "bestial" . He says the presentation: "After centuries, the veil covering the activities of the fraternity of Freemasons seems to start to tear. The book of a Jesuit (2) gaining admission to the organization was the starting point that allowed us to approach a group of men waiting for the opportunity to disprove his sinister reputation and reconcile with its traditional enemy, the Roman Catholic Church. "

then clear to dark:
"All this secrecy apparatus has led many to believe that Freemasonry is hidden shameful purposes. Now this is a mistake and is motivated partly by some publications to the contrary, most of them, according to Masons, promoted from the Vatican, and the existence of secret societies rituals similar to Masonic rituals effectively engaged political achievements or simply to the practice of depravity. In our country there were secret societies, and in Europe there are societies dedicated to the black masses, ceremonies that seem drawn from an ancient book of demonology. In the sixteenth century, the apostate monk was burned (...) (...) celebrate mass for evil, the practice continued, but was degenerating over time to become a common orgy.
Some argue that even today is still celebrated worship the devil, but this belief no more basement true.
out war that the Roman Catholic Church declared Freemasonry, is another reason why the Latin countries it is considered almost a criminal institution. "

Good material for novels such as The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco or The Club Dumas Perez Reverte.

Then you have to swallow these paragraphs, from which it follows that Freemasonry may be a chapel or a branch of Bishops:
"Dr. Nagy former priest-turned-Mason- whose performance as a Jesuit led him the head of Catholic peasant movement in Hungary (...) when he suggested the idea that Freemasonry could have a political purpose, rejected outright, as well as everything related to atheism. There is, yes, an atheist Freemasonry is the Grand Orient of France, and even in some lodges may have features that give less attention to religion and religious symbols, but this is more a private attitude of some members that an official position fraternity, to the extent that is not tolerated at meetings irreverent expressions to the sacred images. "

still do not understand that they have to see God and religion with Masonry. (3) Concepts such as the Great Architect of the Universe (poorly understood and poorly applied) or the use of the Bible in the Lodges are late acquisitions. I seriously doubt that learners and colleagues of the Middle Ages read the Bible in Latin, being that there was a high level of illiteracy and when there was still no translations into local languages \u200b\u200bstill a long time that Gutenberg created the printing press and the both are overcrowded distributing books. Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry became more religious after the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813, reaching their highest peaks of the so-called intolerance "excommunication" Masonic Grand Orient of France towards the end of the nineteenth century and the eight-point plan of 1929, condemning the Lodges that do not conform to the parameters established by it. Not to mention the declaration of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1949, which established explicitly that Freemasonry is a religion and that the institution promotes the worship of God.

Scattered in the article are gems like this statement of the Grand Master of the time, Jose Maria Fiorini: "In the U.S. there are twelve million Masons, astronomical amount compared to the meager forty thousand who are in Argentina. " Currently it is estimated that ten thousand Freemasons dreams country (no figures were not provided by the INDEC - National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, accused of being wrong on the numbers) . From these data, could be expected for the coming years, ahem, without exaggeration, the existence of five or six million Masons in national soil?

"Masonry Argentina has no political purpose" , ahem, says a Mason and the drafting of the magazine asks: "We did not locate any Mason to give his answer, we could only find that the rites of female lodges are, in principle, similar to male Masonic rites, but with notable formal differences, because in the end, have not understood the Masonic spirit, as our partner, it is completely inaccessible to . By now I can not hawk.

Finally, puzzled me the title of the article when he says black sect. Perhaps it relates to the Freemasons of U.S. blacks called Prince Hall. Perhaps Berlusconi, suspected of having belonged Due to the Propaganda of Licio Gelli, was prophetic when he said of Obama (to the latest known, also a Mason): " has all the attributes, is young, handsome and has an excellent tan" . Perhaps a future Pope Benedict XXXIII is black, a Mason and a skilled politician, thus attaining an ideal of unity in diversity and also false uniformity.
Do not worry, the entire paragraph is a cruel irony.

(1) Leo Plan, Year XXIX - No. 715, June 3, 1964, Editorial Sopena Argentina SA

(2) Refers to Töhötöm Nagy's book, "Jesuits and Freemasons."

(3) Robert Amadou .- For many French, Freemasonry a secret society would purely political. But this misunderstanding has always been vehemently denounced, and in large numbers by the French Masons themselves, who not only oppose this view, but refused to be aligned under the heading "philosophical society." Others, in contrast, see it as an initiatory society and Masons, some six million, almost all of the Order recognizes her as a religious brotherhood . Pierre
Barrucand .- It is right to see a society of Freemasonry initiation. Robert Amadou
.- This character is not at all opposed to its religious character, which implies, on the contrary . Therefore, Do you link the esoteric with Freemasonry? Pierre
Barrucand .- Obviously.
Robert Amadou - Pierre Barrucand, Debate about Freemasonry, Todo es Historia, XVI-Year No. 186, November 1982, pp. 64-78.


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