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Masonry, the Bible and boiler, Part 3

Photo Source: Atheist Libertarian Front page on facebook

* The Bible is a collection of honorable, but primitive legends many children. Albert Einstein

... And wounded by a sword without rivets, go mourn the Bible next to a boiler.
Tango Cambalache


words prior

Preparing "Masonry, the Bible and boiler", Part 3, I found a copy of the Declaration of Massachusetts published by the Grand Lodge in the journal Level and the response of G. ·. O. ·. F. ·. A. ·. in Verbum, both from 1944.

The declaration of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts places the Anglo Lodges at its lowest. A statement as contradictory and dogmatic principles and expressions as unfortunate as this: Freemasonry is religious in nature because it teaches monotheism, the Book of the Sacred Law is open at Altars taken throughout the awe of God presides over all its ceremonies, and always taught the brethren lessons of morality without However, not sectarian or theological. "

The formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1813, "excommunication" Masonic Grand Orient of France in the late nineteenth century, the eight points in 1929 which left no room for dissent and this pamphlet , stand as exclusionary factors for all persuasions who practice absolute freedom of conscience.

Another phrase: "To this end, teaches and defends the worship of God ..." Atheists, agnostics and all other persons diversity are not acceptable. Except, of course, for situations that stipulates accommodative power for each case. Within the stigma would also, as the vagaries of time and more or less permanent, the poor, women, those without political power or social prestige.

http://mauriciocamposmasoneria.blogspot .com/2010/11/la-masoneria-la-biblia-y-el-calefon-2_26.html

Documents. I

few months ago I posted the following note (1): Next Meeting to be held on National R. ·. E. ·. A. ·. A. ·. in Uruguay, attached this remarkable document of 1941, where the Argentinean Federal Grand Orient (2) responds to the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry "regular" Argentina, fixing its position adogmática and liberal political and social ideals. Practitioners both Powers R. ·. E. ·. A. ·. A. ·., One was clearly humanistic in its application, and the other religious. Uruguayan Masonry was that in the nineteenth century gave Letters Patent to the founding of the first Great Lodge and the Supreme Council 33rd degree of Argentina. Says

G. ·. O. ·. F. ·. A. ·. (3): "The Grand Lodge of Freemasonry " regular " Argentina, has sent all his workshops a circular, from which we extract the following paragraphs.

" As a contribution to the clear understanding that all siblings should have on Masonic principles, then transcribe the statement recommended by the meeting of all Grand Masters of the Grand Lodges of North American state and promulgated by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, who says:

Freemasonry is a charitable society, benevolence , educational and religious. Its principles are proclaimed to the extent necessary for better understanding of men. Its only secrets are its method of recognition and symbolic instruction.

is religious, because it teaches monotheism, the volume of the Sacred Law is open upon its altars at any time that a Lodge is in session, respect for God is always present in its ceremonial, and his brothers made to it constantly lessons in morality.

teaches and maintains the worship of God , truth and justice, fraternity and philanthropy, and an intelligent and orderly civil liberties, religious and intellectual.

Believing these things, this Grand Lodge affirms its continued adherence to that ancient and proven law of Freemasonry which forbids the discussion in Masonic meetings of creeds, politics, or any other matter that may excite personal animosities.

And more: he states his belief that not only is contrary to the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, but dangerous for the unity, strength, usefulness and welfare for Masonic bodies, take action or attempt to exert pressure or influence for or against any legislation, or intervene in any election or appointment of government officials or influence them in carrying out their public duties while whether or not members of the fraternity. "

GOFA Again the" Definitions bland, white flag covering contraband of war, we are the concepts for building good Masons we transcribed.

Fortunately, Freemasonry, notwithstanding the purported declaration of Massachusetts, is the parish of the opposite sidewalk, charitable, benevolent, religious, who teaches monotheism. The submission to the altar, the hypocritical compromise. Something

know the shameful history of these gentlemen tolerant, religious and apolitical, they love their brothers with bearing of freedom of conscience, but they deliver the secular culture hands of their people religious and the last hour, his soul to God, comforted with the aid of the Holy Mother Church.

But, just looked on the outlook of the continent to find out what it means in arrears, in misery, human suffering, the defection of liberal hosts, under the command of those who want to sneak that Freemasonry is neither fish nor fowl .

We, however, we are affirming our position stout fighters, proud inheritors of a glorious liberal tradition that characterized our people, our institutions and our brothers.

Against these statements are consistent even with the huge effort being made United States, and in conflict with Mr. Roosevelt, seem inspired by Mr. Lindberg, in front of these statements, we hold, which earlier this century, not beyond, when these valleys were several Eastern and felt in the Masonic Village and in this time, the need to unify the forces to achieve efficient action, produced the Grand Masters, who were not only the position held, but the concept that sustained liberal.

In front of the Rite Blue, Rear Admiral Howard, responding to a survey by "The Chain of Union," saying: "Masonry should support in the elections to candidates who agree their interests to take over the government by legal means that makes the constitution. "

The speaker was a squad leader in Argentina and Grand Master of the Rite Blue.

The brother Julio Belin Sarmiento, Grand Master of Grand Orient Argentine Confederate Lodges, answered the same survey stating: "If politics is to understand the many issues that need resolution and that directly or indirectly affect sociability, I understand that Freemasonry should actively participate in the political struggle. Not to be confused, however, that the struggle between more or less personal parties tend to overlap its interests and convenience. If we were ignore that sound policy to which I referred would be almost useless to the existence of the institution among us. "

And brother Carlos D'Amico, Grand Master of the Gran Oriente Nacional Argentino-Rite that both are coming, with all the authority of the prestige of eminent public man, drew this program: "Never stop to fulfill your duties as a citizen of Argentina. Satisfied in all elections to give your vote for the representative of the Masonic ideas, so you will not be blamed for the miseries that can afflict the state. "

In the same survey also involved the brother Agustin Alvarez, Grand Master of the Rite Ancient and Accepted Scottish, whose ideas about it are known, they were published in popular books.

Why should we keep looking in the archives and memories, events that are multiplied to infinity, supporting our position?

The misunderstanding that exists between us. Is conceptual. Honestly declare that we relied too much on a change in position of Masonry "regular" imposed by the turning point that humanity lives. Those who fold their arms, who take the comfortable position required statement regardless of Massachusetts have been initiated and exalted, will show bands and necklaces and degrees, workshops, and will preside in their hands the Masonic group they belong to, it will be anything but faithful to the tradition Freemasons in this country. "

Documents. II
The declaration of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (4)

" Freemasonry is a society of nature charitable, humanitarian, educational and religious. Its principles are widely spread among men. The means of recognition and symbolic instruction are the only secrets.

charitable character is everything that does not mean that this Society has been organized only in pursuit of profits and income are not intended for a personal purpose but are dedicated to promoting the welfare and happiness of humanity.

is humanitarian because it teaches and requires altruism as a duty.

character is taught by teachers because of their rites and ritualistic ceremonies a system of morality and brotherhood based on Sacred Law

is religious in nature because it teaches monotheism, the Book of the Sacred Law is open in Altars round stained respect for God presides over all its ceremonies, and always taught the brethren lessons of morality, however, has no sectarian or theological.

is a social organization, only in that it provides another incentive for men to gather in large nuclei and, therefore, seek to have more material for his fundamental work to educate, worship and do charity. By

personality development and strengthening the character of the individual, Freemasonry seeks to improve search and social community. Just print to its members, the principles of right justice and personal responsibility, enlightens and instructs the brothers in terms of those things that are mean and human welfare, and inspired by that sense of charity and good will towards all humanity, all of which will move them to translate into action its principles and convictions.

To this end, teaching and advocates the worship of God , the truth and justice, fraternity and philanthropy, an enlightened and well made (conscious) free citizenship, religious and intellectual. All members are required to be sincere and loyal to the government of the country he must obey and comply with the laws of any State where they are. Cree

that achieving these objectives (goals) is best achieved by establishing a broad base of principles, that if men belonging to any race, country, sect, or hold very different ideas, to unite, rather than constrain the same base or platform that would accommodate only those individuals of certain races and certain faiths or opinions.

Having faith in these concepts, this Grand Lodge declares its continued adherence to that ancient and sacred law of Freemasonry which forbids the discussion in Masonic taken, of creeds, politics or other matters which may lead to personal animosities.

further declares its conviction (belief) that not only is contrary to the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, but dangerous to its unity, strength, usefulness and welfare, the Masonic bodies action or attempt to exercise pressure or influence, for or against any law, or in any way trying to get the election or appointment State officials, or influence, whether or not members of the Brotherhood, in the performance of their duties. The true Mason profane act in life according to his opinion (criterion) staff and the dictates of their conscience ".

Documents. III
" immoral and cruel passages of the Bible. " (5)

"If Freemasonry is proposed that his followers flee vice and practice virtue, the presence of the Bible (can not be considered) in the work of any Power or LL. ·. you are subordinate. It can not be considered the Bible as the book containing only worthy role models, not even from the point of Symbolically, because it contains some passages that reveal acts of cruelty, injustice, accounts of massacres, exhortations to violence, etc. gross errors in addition to scientists who are opposed on many points with those most certain and compelling contemporary science.

Among the immorality and cruelty cases deserve mention: in Chapter XII of Genesis, Abraham, protected by Jehovah, operates in Egypt, charms of his wife, he poses as his sister, in Chapter III vers. 1 and 2 of the Prophecies of Ezekiel, God tells the prophet Ezekiel to eat a book and ate the Prophet, in Chapter IV vv. 12 and 15 of such prophecies, also ordered that in expiation of the enormous sins of the people of Israel, every morning eat human excrement, and as the Prophet to complain about the cruelty of the punishment authorized him to replace them with ox dung; in Chapter I of the prophecies of Hosea are praised prostitution, and in Chapter III of the same prophecies, vers. 1 and 2, in order to test how far compliance with his orders, he ordered the prophet Hosea to seduce the wife of a friend and the Prophet did.

Can the Bible the book whose contents serve as exemplary conduct? "

" inconsistency of use of the Bible to swear, since she forbids it. "

" In the symbolic and LL Powers. ·. its dependence on the Bible used, although considered as a symbol of divine revelation, it is used to swear oaths on it along with the Square and Compass.

is a contradiction using a book which should be paid when the text of the oath forbids it. We forget that Christ said clearly about "Do not swear at all: either by heaven, it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem, because it is the Town great King. Do not swear by your head either because you can not black and white make a single hair. When you say yes, be yes, and if they say no, it is not. All it says more, it comes from the Evil One . (Gospel of Matthew, chapter V, verse. 34 to 37).

This absolute prohibition of the oath by Jesus the Christ, believers say was the embodiment the Word or Second Person of the Trinity, that is the same God in human form and amendment rectifies that gave Moses on Mount Sinai. Therefore, it appears that the oath is clearly contrary to the teachings of Christ.

" How one conceives of use to swear an oath book banning?

"The Bible creates threads to avoid"

"As the Bible's book of particular religions, with which not all agree, the book naturally lends itself arouses resistance and disputes or disagreements that should always be avoided, since Freemasonry has to be the binding site, and can not unite what causes, if we are honest with ourselves-marked difference of opinion.

The place of the Bible is the church where the faithful gather same confession, and not in the L. ·. because we as Masons, we can not take part in any religious doctrine. Indeed, in Chapter VI of the Old Duties of Freemason contained in Anderson's Constitutions of 1723, establishes how to behave "after the L. ·. has completed its work and when hh. ·. not yet withdrawn, at which time the political discussions are prohibited and religious, because we belong to the universal religion of all nations, languages \u200b\u200band families and are enemies of all those who talk about politics because it is something on which there is no agreement and there never will be for the prosperity of a L. ·. We are obliged to obey the moral law, to be good and honest men of honor and integrity, whatever the denomination or beliefs which distinguishes us. For

clarify the scope of this provision, the second edition of these Constitutions, 1738, the rule concerning religious and political issues contained in said VIth Obligation suffered after an amendment making it applicable to L. ·. , Not "after the L. ·. Has completed its work and when hh. ·. Not yet withdrawn." There is an evolution aimed at preventing the fear of disturbing the harmony that reigns among the Masons when they meet. So too, with subsequent editions and seeking religious and political neutrality of Freemasonry. Then

dogmatism Masonry refuses to seek teaching the truth with complete independence and does not use but good common feelings, leaving aside the particular metaphysical convictions.

fundamentel Worship in Freemasonry is much older than the Bible and we regret that many powers are tied to particular religions code of recent data. Do not ignore the written word, for us, is dead. Living thought is what we must learn to evoke to draw out silent objects. That light is not achieved with fixed phrases in the scriptures. Lay procedures are not ours. The worshipers of the Bible have forgotten when their religious prejudices were dragged to "desecrate" Masonry. "

"There has to be excluded from the Order of certain believers."

"The fact is that if for the admission of hh. ·. And LL. ·. To the Masonic Lodges, should work oath on a book of the law, the Bible, whose text does not share in the name of freedom of consciousness, one wonders, should the modern Masonry composed exclusively of believers of certain religion?

Whites, believe that without faith in a heavenly king who rewards and punishes, the man can not be but a "stupid atheist and an irreligious libertine ", and therefore undesirable in Masonry.

more evangelical Latinos -Within the mainstream of G. ·. O. ·. France-have confidence in a certain light that enlightens every man coming into this world. These estimate seek religious truth without prior resolution fit to do so with all sincerity, conforming to the symbolic teaching of Masonry . For them, the good candidate is bootable thinker who aspires to the Light with all the fervor of his soul, because he is conscious of being in the dark. If he is momentarily atheist, he is not "stupid" and if it is intellectually free, no leans less to the moral law, because of his fastball and good will.

Which of these two concepts deserve prevail in Masonry? If the latter, we recognize that software and where this is proclaimed in the name of Freemasonry, not adopted any dogmatism.

Masonic Assembly repeals the power to legislate economically, behaves usurper, when she gives landmarks arbitrary but are not limited to the narrow domain of particularism. "

bibliography, notes and sources cited :

(1) Article published in the Freemasons, Social Network of the Fraternity Freemasonry on the internet, July 30, 2010.

(2) The Big East Argentine Federal existed between 1935 and Obedience 1956. Scottish Rite practiced, but accepted in their midst Masonic groups practicing different rites.

suppressed in their ritual practices invoking the Grand Architect of the Universe and the placement of the Bible on the altar.

justified the first of these measures, arguing that it represented a reaffirmation of the spirit of Masonry adogmático and full freedom of conscience. As for the abolition of the Bible on the altar he meant full respect for freedom of the Masons, because while the believers are in the holy book the symbol of his moral law, not transitional to non-believers, who also have opened the doors of Freemasonry.

(3) Verbum. Official organ of the Grand Orient diffusion Federal Argentino - GOFA, 1944.

(4) Level, Year II, Buenos Aires, May 1944, No. 14. Official Selection, pg. 384. Official organ for the dissemination of the Grand Lodge of Argentina's AASR Freemasonry.

(5) Verbum, Fourth era, Year XVII, No. 39, Buenos Aires, Nov.-Dec. 1951.


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