Todo es Historia, 1982. One of the four covers that the magazine devoted to Freemasonry from 1967 until today.
Excerpt of an interview he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons, Carlos Wilson (1912-1996), drawn from the magazine Todo es Historia, Year XVI, No. 186, November 1982.
"You, in case of conflict, are more Argentine Masons?
"There is no opposition between country and Masonry. History says so. Working in the masonry work for the Homeland. But if you should be suspended Masonic work to defend the country under threat, no doubt that Argentine Masons respond as worthy sons of this soil ...
- Why not condemned to Britain during the Falklands War?
"Our public definition was more specific and effective than that. We reaffirm the rights of Argentina, but also offered us for the country to use all our contacts and relationships to defend them. As an entity and through linked brothers abroad, working intensely for clarification and understanding immediately promoted to the position of Argentina. Many of the expressions of sympathy for the South Atlantic Argentinization, starring statesmen, foreign entities and individuals were encouraged by our message. Before, during and after the war, diplomacy, politics, communication and culture, proved to be indispensable. The war was a gamble, and adverse outcome did nothing but prove once again the absurdity of believing in violence as a solution to problems. The military defeat is not prevented us of our rights as legally valid even against the decision of arms, and this assured Britain that no law. The authorities made the war were deposed by their peers, in apparent challenge to their performance, and now our country diplomatically calls in the most convenient spot for their just demands. Precisely what the Masons, by their principles and traditions, identified as suitable and where they are in working condition, with all the force of a universal brotherhood that shares the ideals of secular José de San Martín Libertador, since the time of Lautaro Lodge. The father of our country used to drive the Masonic Independence. Worth trying the same in the question of the Malvinas. We did and we will still be available to us, convinced that peaceful action we are invincible, they accompany us throughout the world who practice the motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and each day they renew their covenant with the Justice and Truth.
- Do not you think that there is contradiction or else what hierarchy you set between fidelity: first, the Order, a political party, religious hierarchy, or their own convictions?
"Freemasonry does not seek the triumph of any particular government or to implement a form of state in particular. Its primary purpose is, through his men to create society in every age and favorable conditions for the changes that occur in any order struggling to maintain and expand, more and more, the core values \u200b\u200bof the human person, individual and socially. Under its motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or their ideas, Mason was present in the two English revolutions of 1648 and 1688, in the American Revolution of 1776, French 1789, English American Independence, the Reform Benito Juarez, Mexico, or in the English Republic in 1936. The spirit of Freemasonry combat all forms autocratic.
- Is that Masonry is placed over the parties and groups?
-Mason is joined to his brother for a covenant of marriage. Freemasonry is not intended to overcome the social, political or cultural factors that separate the men because they believed in the uniformity of life, but seeks to unite people in those principles common to all. So many times, it has been since two or more Masons are opposed at the political level of a State, to belong to two different parties. This happened, for example, in French politics, English, American, Chilean and Argentina. Everyone keep your independence. But none of them can transgress in their specific field of action respect the principles of the human person and basic freedoms of the people. A Mason can not oppose the public welfare or violate the rights of individuals, without contradicting the purposes of the Order. Masons reaffirm our democratic ideals against all political extremism or any other sign.
Excerpt of an interview he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons, Carlos Wilson (1912-1996), drawn from the magazine Todo es Historia, Year XVI, No. 186, November 1982.
"You, in case of conflict, are more Argentine Masons?
"There is no opposition between country and Masonry. History says so. Working in the masonry work for the Homeland. But if you should be suspended Masonic work to defend the country under threat, no doubt that Argentine Masons respond as worthy sons of this soil ...
- Why not condemned to Britain during the Falklands War?
"Our public definition was more specific and effective than that. We reaffirm the rights of Argentina, but also offered us for the country to use all our contacts and relationships to defend them. As an entity and through linked brothers abroad, working intensely for clarification and understanding immediately promoted to the position of Argentina. Many of the expressions of sympathy for the South Atlantic Argentinization, starring statesmen, foreign entities and individuals were encouraged by our message. Before, during and after the war, diplomacy, politics, communication and culture, proved to be indispensable. The war was a gamble, and adverse outcome did nothing but prove once again the absurdity of believing in violence as a solution to problems. The military defeat is not prevented us of our rights as legally valid even against the decision of arms, and this assured Britain that no law. The authorities made the war were deposed by their peers, in apparent challenge to their performance, and now our country diplomatically calls in the most convenient spot for their just demands. Precisely what the Masons, by their principles and traditions, identified as suitable and where they are in working condition, with all the force of a universal brotherhood that shares the ideals of secular José de San Martín Libertador, since the time of Lautaro Lodge. The father of our country used to drive the Masonic Independence. Worth trying the same in the question of the Malvinas. We did and we will still be available to us, convinced that peaceful action we are invincible, they accompany us throughout the world who practice the motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and each day they renew their covenant with the Justice and Truth.
- Do not you think that there is contradiction or else what hierarchy you set between fidelity: first, the Order, a political party, religious hierarchy, or their own convictions?
"Freemasonry does not seek the triumph of any particular government or to implement a form of state in particular. Its primary purpose is, through his men to create society in every age and favorable conditions for the changes that occur in any order struggling to maintain and expand, more and more, the core values \u200b\u200bof the human person, individual and socially. Under its motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or their ideas, Mason was present in the two English revolutions of 1648 and 1688, in the American Revolution of 1776, French 1789, English American Independence, the Reform Benito Juarez, Mexico, or in the English Republic in 1936. The spirit of Freemasonry combat all forms autocratic.
- Is that Masonry is placed over the parties and groups?
-Mason is joined to his brother for a covenant of marriage. Freemasonry is not intended to overcome the social, political or cultural factors that separate the men because they believed in the uniformity of life, but seeks to unite people in those principles common to all. So many times, it has been since two or more Masons are opposed at the political level of a State, to belong to two different parties. This happened, for example, in French politics, English, American, Chilean and Argentina. Everyone keep your independence. But none of them can transgress in their specific field of action respect the principles of the human person and basic freedoms of the people. A Mason can not oppose the public welfare or violate the rights of individuals, without contradicting the purposes of the Order. Masons reaffirm our democratic ideals against all political extremism or any other sign.
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