More than a quarter of a tumultuous century of Wagner's creative activity separate from the first sketch of the drama of the ring in October 1848 to final completion of the libretto of Gotterdammerung in November 1874. Tetralogy (though Wagner himself called trilogy, because it believed the remaining a "mere" prelude) "Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelungs) is divided into a prelude to" Das Rheingold "(Das Rheingold), and the 3 dramas include: "Die Walküre (The Valkyrie)," Siegfried (Siegfried) and "Gotterdammerung" (Twilight of the Gods). Interestingly, Wagner started from the end and over the years was adding the first term of the dramas and prelude.
The entire tetralogy was presented for the first time on August 16, 1876 in Bayreuth.
Der Ring Des Nibelungen
Das Rheingold

CD 1:
01. First Act
Vorspiel 02. Weia! Waga! Woge du Welle!
03. He! He! Ihr Nicker!
04. Glatter garstig glitschriger Glimmer!
05. Lugt, Schwestern! Die lacht in den Grund Weckerin
06. Only he who renounces the power of love
07th The World Heritage Vestments nn I own from you?
08th Keep the robbers!
Segundo Acto
09th Introduction
10th Wotan! Husband!
11th They umbrellas now
12th Sleep gently closed your eyes
13th What do you say? Ha, you, betrayal?
14th Are you follow us!
15th ! Finally, Loge â
CD 2: 01
Ingratitude is always Loges reward!
02 A Rune magic forces for the gold hoop
03 Enjoy, Wotan, of the waiting word!
04th Sister! Brothers! Save me! help!
05th Wotan, husband, unhappy man!
06th [Musica de Transformación]
Acto Tercero
07th Hehe! hehe! come here! come here! Wicked dwarf
08th Nibelheim here
09th Take care! Alberich is coming
10th The gentle breezes Wehntal up there in their lives
11 Oh! Oh! Terrible snake
12th There, the toad, they grab quick!
Acto Cuarto
13th Da, Vetter, you'm stuck!
14th Well, the Nibelung I called my close
CD 3: 01
Paid have I: Now let me draw!
02 Is it solved?
03 Did you love listening to his greeting?
04th Sister sweetest, sweetest delight!
05th The stakes are planted to pledge Mass
06th Soft, Wotan, soft! Flee the ring curse!
07th Should I worry and fear
08th Stop, you greedy! Treat myself to something!
09th Now blinze after Freya view
10th Hey there! Hey there! He do! To me, you Gedüft!
11th Brother, come here! As the bridge the way!
12th Evening sun shines the eye
13th I greet the castle
14th Rheingold! Rheingold!
01. First Act
Vorspiel 02. Weia! Waga! Woge du Welle!
03. He! He! Ihr Nicker!
04. Glatter garstig glitschriger Glimmer!
05. Lugt, Schwestern! Die lacht in den Grund Weckerin
06. Only he who renounces the power of love
07th The World Heritage Vestments nn I own from you?
08th Keep the robbers!
Segundo Acto
09th Introduction
10th Wotan! Husband!
11th They umbrellas now
12th Sleep gently closed your eyes
13th What do you say? Ha, you, betrayal?
14th Are you follow us!
15th ! Finally, Loge â
CD 2: 01
Ingratitude is always Loges reward!
02 A Rune magic forces for the gold hoop
03 Enjoy, Wotan, of the waiting word!
04th Sister! Brothers! Save me! help!
05th Wotan, husband, unhappy man!
06th [Musica de Transformación]
Acto Tercero
07th Hehe! hehe! come here! come here! Wicked dwarf
08th Nibelheim here
09th Take care! Alberich is coming
10th The gentle breezes Wehntal up there in their lives
11 Oh! Oh! Terrible snake
12th There, the toad, they grab quick!
Acto Cuarto
13th Da, Vetter, you'm stuck!
14th Well, the Nibelung I called my close
CD 3: 01
Paid have I: Now let me draw!
02 Is it solved?
03 Did you love listening to his greeting?
04th Sister sweetest, sweetest delight!
05th The stakes are planted to pledge Mass
06th Soft, Wotan, soft! Flee the ring curse!
07th Should I worry and fear
08th Stop, you greedy! Treat myself to something!
09th Now blinze after Freya view
10th Hey there! Hey there! He do! To me, you Gedüft!
11th Brother, come here! As the bridge the way!
12th Evening sun shines the eye
13th I greet the castle
14th Rheingold! Rheingold!
The Valkyrie

CD 1
01 Orchestral prelude
02 Scene 1 "Wes Herd this also I must rest "
03 One unfortunate you Labtest (Siegmund, Sieglinde)
04th Scene 2
"Weary in the kitchen I found the man" 05 "Peaceful" I must not be called "
06th So wretched Los allotted you
07th "I know a savage sex"
08th Scene 3 "A sword my father promised"
09th "Are you asleep, guest"
10th "Winter storms have vanished before Wonnemond"
11th You are the spring
12th O sweetest delight! Blessed woman! (Siegmund, Sieglinde)
13th Was your father Wälse
CD 2
01 Vorspiel - Scene 1 "Well bridle your horse "
02 Hoyotoho! Hoyotoho! (Brünnhilde)
03 "The old tower, the old trouble"
04th So it is with the eternal gods
05th "What do you ask"
06th Your eternal spouse sacred honor (Fricka, Wotan)
07th Scene 2 "is bad, I fear, the conflict closed"
08th 'Something else' s heed well "
09th So you take the victory by Siegmund (Brunnhilde, Wotan)
10th So take my blessing, Nibelung's son (Wotan, Brunnhilde)
CD 3
01 "Then I saw father never win"
02 Scene 3 "catch here now: you do not begrudge peace!"
03 Scene 4 "Siegmund! Look at me! "
04th "You have seen the very gaze Valkyrie"
05th So young and beautiful you shine in my (Siegmund, Brünnhilde)
06th Scene 5 ", magic tames a sleep"
08th To Ross, that I save you! (Brunnhilde, Wotan)
CD 4
01 Scene 1 Hoyotoho! Heiaha "
02 "Protect me and help me in dire need"
03 "Do not you worry much about me,"
04th Scene 2 "Where is Brünnhilde, where the criminal"
05th "Here am I, father,"
06th Introduction 3 Elevator (Final) 07th
Scene 3 "Was it so shameful"
08th So you did what so much I desire to do
09th Not striving, Girl, do me the courage (Wotan, Brunnhilde)
10th "Farewell, you bold, wonderful child"
11th The pair of eyes shining
12th "Loge, hear! Listen hither! "
13th - Magic Fire Music
01 Orchestral prelude
02 Scene 1 "Wes Herd this also I must rest "
03 One unfortunate you Labtest (Siegmund, Sieglinde)
04th Scene 2
"Weary in the kitchen I found the man" 05 "Peaceful" I must not be called "
06th So wretched Los allotted you
07th "I know a savage sex"
08th Scene 3 "A sword my father promised"
09th "Are you asleep, guest"
10th "Winter storms have vanished before Wonnemond"
11th You are the spring
12th O sweetest delight! Blessed woman! (Siegmund, Sieglinde)
13th Was your father Wälse
CD 2
01 Vorspiel - Scene 1 "Well bridle your horse "
02 Hoyotoho! Hoyotoho! (Brünnhilde)
03 "The old tower, the old trouble"
04th So it is with the eternal gods
05th "What do you ask"
06th Your eternal spouse sacred honor (Fricka, Wotan)
07th Scene 2 "is bad, I fear, the conflict closed"
08th 'Something else' s heed well "
09th So you take the victory by Siegmund (Brunnhilde, Wotan)
10th So take my blessing, Nibelung's son (Wotan, Brunnhilde)
CD 3
01 "Then I saw father never win"
02 Scene 3 "catch here now: you do not begrudge peace!"
03 Scene 4 "Siegmund! Look at me! "
04th "You have seen the very gaze Valkyrie"
05th So young and beautiful you shine in my (Siegmund, Brünnhilde)
06th Scene 5 ", magic tames a sleep"
08th To Ross, that I save you! (Brunnhilde, Wotan)
CD 4
01 Scene 1 Hoyotoho! Heiaha "
02 "Protect me and help me in dire need"
03 "Do not you worry much about me,"
04th Scene 2 "Where is Brünnhilde, where the criminal"
05th "Here am I, father,"
06th Introduction 3 Elevator (Final) 07th
Scene 3 "Was it so shameful"
08th So you did what so much I desire to do
09th Not striving, Girl, do me the courage (Wotan, Brunnhilde)
10th "Farewell, you bold, wonderful child"
11th The pair of eyes shining
12th "Loge, hear! Listen hither! "
13th - Magic Fire Music

CD 1: 01
02 Scene 1: forced drudgery!
03 Hoyho Hoyho Cut a! Cut a!
04th As a child I moved up to zullendes
05th It sang the mirror so happy in spring
06th Once there was a whimpering Weibâ
07th Scene 2: Heil dir, wise blacksmith!
08th How shall I be rid of the lurking?
09th Now tell me, wise dwarf
10th Now, honest dwarf, tell me first
11th Three times, you should ask
12th Scene 3: Cursed
CD2: 01
Is it you, child?
02 Fahl Did you ever in the gloomy Walda
03 you test the art enthusiasts on all levels maintained
04th Needful! Needful! Coveted Sword! Â
05th "Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Forge, my hammer, a hard sword Hoho! Hahei! Hoho! Hahei! Once your blood dun shades blue"
06th The brother of schufa
Act Two
07th Prelude [5:17]
08th Scene 1: âœIn forest and Nachtâ
09th Who is coming there gleaming in the shade?
10th With Mime rà ¤ ng 'I just about the ring?
11th Scene 2: We are the 12th Stelleâ
Because my father did not study
02 Scene 1: forced drudgery!
03 Hoyho Hoyho Cut a! Cut a!
04th As a child I moved up to zullendes
05th It sang the mirror so happy in spring
06th Once there was a whimpering Weibâ
07th Scene 2: Heil dir, wise blacksmith!
08th How shall I be rid of the lurking?
09th Now tell me, wise dwarf
10th Now, honest dwarf, tell me first
11th Three times, you should ask
12th Scene 3: Cursed
CD2: 01
Is it you, child?
02 Fahl Did you ever in the gloomy Walda
03 you test the art enthusiasts on all levels maintained
04th Needful! Needful! Coveted Sword! Â
05th "Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Forge, my hammer, a hard sword Hoho! Hahei! Hoho! Hahei! Once your blood dun shades blue"
06th The brother of schufa
Act Two
07th Prelude [5:17]
08th Scene 1: âœIn forest and Nachtâ
09th Who is coming there gleaming in the shade?
10th With Mime rà ¤ ng 'I just about the ring?
11th Scene 2: We are the 12th Stelleâ
Because my father did not study
CD 3: 01
Siegfried's horn call Haha! Since I had my song what love erblasen
02 Who are you, boy chickens
03 Is me almost as if the Vaglein spoke to me!
04th Scene 3: Where sneak dua
05th Welcome, Siegfriedâ
06th Customs pays envy Notungâ
07th I was hotter on the hard load!
08th Now sing, I listen to the song
Act Three
09th Prelude
10th Scene 1: Wache, Wala!
11th Stark calls the hiphop
12th My sleep is instru
13th We is me, since I awoke
14th Far you Wotan, what will?
15th Scene 2: There, I see Siegfried close
16th What are you laughing at me?
CD 4: 01
Will you stay silent to me, imperious fellow?
02 Orchestral interlude
03 Seliger de 04th in blissful
This is not a man!
05th Hilde's Awakening: Introduction
06th Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht!
07th Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held!
08th There I see Grane
09th I do not fear you, your knowledge is the lighting of the 10th
Forever was icha
11th I love you: Oh you loved me!
12th Laughing, I love you
Siegfried's horn call Haha! Since I had my song what love erblasen
02 Who are you, boy chickens
03 Is me almost as if the Vaglein spoke to me!
04th Scene 3: Where sneak dua
05th Welcome, Siegfriedâ
06th Customs pays envy Notungâ
07th I was hotter on the hard load!
08th Now sing, I listen to the song
Act Three
09th Prelude
10th Scene 1: Wache, Wala!
11th Stark calls the hiphop
12th My sleep is instru
13th We is me, since I awoke
14th Far you Wotan, what will?
15th Scene 2: There, I see Siegfried close
16th What are you laughing at me?
CD 4: 01
Will you stay silent to me, imperious fellow?
02 Orchestral interlude
03 Seliger de 04th in blissful
This is not a man!
05th Hilde's Awakening: Introduction
06th Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht!
07th Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held!
08th There I see Grane
09th I do not fear you, your knowledge is the lighting of the 10th
Forever was icha
11th I love you: Oh you loved me!
12th Laughing, I love you
CD1: 01
Introduction to Prelude
02 What light is there?
03 Orchestral interlude
04th To new adventures, dear hero
05th More you gave, Wonder Woman, as I preserve white
06th Orchestral interlude
Act One
07th Scene 1: Now, har, Hagen, tell me, Hero
08th What do you awaken doubt and discord!
09th From the Rhine, the horn
10th Scene 2: Heil Siegfried, dear hero
11th Mountain Now, hero, the hall
12th Welcome, guest house in Gibich
CD2: 01
Have you, Gunther, a woman?
02 Blood derschaft Peshawer an oath!
03 Here I sit to watch
04th Orchestral interlude
05th Scene 3: Old well Device Noise whispered in my ear the distant 06th
Since he parted from you, the battle is no longer
07th So I thought: from his since 08, through the silent
Flashing weight, carried by the wind storm, then
09th Now you are my
Introduction to Prelude
02 What light is there?
03 Orchestral interlude
04th To new adventures, dear hero
05th More you gave, Wonder Woman, as I preserve white
06th Orchestral interlude
Act One
07th Scene 1: Now, har, Hagen, tell me, Hero
08th What do you awaken doubt and discord!
09th From the Rhine, the horn
10th Scene 2: Heil Siegfried, dear hero
11th Mountain Now, hero, the hall
12th Welcome, guest house in Gibich
CD2: 01
Have you, Gunther, a woman?
02 Blood derschaft Peshawer an oath!
03 Here I sit to watch
04th Orchestral interlude
05th Scene 3: Old well Device Noise whispered in my ear the distant 06th
Since he parted from you, the battle is no longer
07th So I thought: from his since 08, through the silent
Flashing weight, carried by the wind storm, then
09th Now you are my
01 Orchestral prelude
02 Scene 1: Sleep thou, Hagen, my son?
03 Orchestral interlude â Scene 2: Hoiho Hagen! the man!
04th Hoyho Hoho! Your Gibichsmannen
05th Scene 4: Heil dir, Gunther!
06th Brunnhild ', the rarest woman
07th What is it? Is it entrakt?
08th You so cherish one's honor?
09th Shining spear! Sacred weapon!
10th Scene 5: What is the monster list is hidden here?
11th Helps no brains, you will not thank Handa
12th Must be they betben death, hidden from her is the fact
Act Three
13th Orchestral prelude
14th Scene 1: Mrs. sun sends beams of light
15th I his horn
01 What I suffer but the barren praise?
02 Scene 2: Hoyho
03 Hi a dwarf Mime marrischer
04th What I do!
05th "Brunnhilde, St. Bride
06th Funeral March 07th
Scene 3: Was that his horn?
08th Welding of your misery jubilant dovetail
09th Strong logs stacked me Dorta
10th My heritage now I take my own
11th Fly home, her raven!
12th To the ring!
01 Orchestral prelude
02 Scene 1: Sleep thou, Hagen, my son?
03 Orchestral interlude â Scene 2: Hoiho Hagen! the man!
04th Hoyho Hoho! Your Gibichsmannen
05th Scene 4: Heil dir, Gunther!
06th Brunnhild ', the rarest woman
07th What is it? Is it entrakt?
08th You so cherish one's honor?
09th Shining spear! Sacred weapon!
10th Scene 5: What is the monster list is hidden here?
11th Helps no brains, you will not thank Handa
12th Must be they betben death, hidden from her is the fact
Act Three
13th Orchestral prelude
14th Scene 1: Mrs. sun sends beams of light
15th I his horn
01 What I suffer but the barren praise?
02 Scene 2: Hoyho
03 Hi a dwarf Mime marrischer
04th What I do!
05th "Brunnhilde, St. Bride
06th Funeral March 07th
Scene 3: Was that his horn?
08th Welding of your misery jubilant dovetail
09th Strong logs stacked me Dorta
10th My heritage now I take my own
11th Fly home, her raven!
12th To the ring!

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