Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Many Inches In Is Your Hymen

Masonry Spanish in exile during the Franco regime, Part 1

In his last speech, delivered on 1 October 1975 in the Plaza de Oriente, (Franco) stated, with regard to international criticism that had raised the recent executions of militants from ETA and FRAP: "All due to a conspiracy Masonic -leftist politicians in cahoots with the terrorists, communist subversion of the social. (1)

All brethren. '. and Sisters. '. English, so that historical memory is not buried or evaded in any respect. This review, brief and certainly incomplete, is part of a series of articles that I will devote to the subject.

G. Authorities. " O. '. F. '. A. '. (Great Eastern Federal Argentino, 1935-1956), with Brother Diego Martinez Barrio, president of the English Republic in exile. The presence of English also Miguel Servera, several times Grand Master Obedience. Source: Verbum

Index: Brief history - Report of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States over Spain in exile, 1945 (extract) - The English Grand Orient stigmatized: Interviews Barea and José Enrique Armengol, 1944 - Critical literature book Jakim Boor, 1956.

Brief background

Frau Abrines established in 1891 (2) that the following entities were Masonic in Spain and its dominions:

of Columbus Supreme Council for Cuba and the islands of the West Indies, Spain, established in Havana since 1859 .
Grand Lodge of Colon and Cuba, in Havana, 1876. Independent Grand Lodge
English in Seville, 1880.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 1883. Symbolic Grand Lodge
Catalan Balearic Islands, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1886.
Galaica Symbolic Grand Lodge, in Madrid, 1888.
English Grand Orient, in Santiago, 1889. Symbolic Grand Lodge
Andalusia, Cordoba, under construction.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of New Castile, in Madrid, under construction.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Malaga, Malaga, under construction.

1900, remained in Spain English Grand Orient based in Madrid, whose Grand Master was Miguel Morayta and the Regional Grand Lodge Balearic Catalan, based in Barcelona. One of the Grand Masters of the latter had been Rosendo Arus.

In 1903, a committee formed by the two Lodges, studying and approving an agreement with its two main points were 1, the Balearic Catalan Grand Lodge, which maintained relations with 42 power Masonic foreign ceded the management of these relationships to the Grand Orient and 2, the Big East in turn recognized the autonomy of the Grand Lodge Regional to act in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, without intervention or interference Grand Orient.

The pact did not hold after the death of Morayta, and the impossibility of reaching a new agreement, the two powers extend its jurisdiction to the entire English territory. The Balearic Catalan Regional Grand Lodge changed its name to Grand Lodge English and is part of the International Masonic Association , founded in Geneva in 1921. The Big East was reorganized English in 1923 and Grand Lodges creates five regional and two others, one to the affairs of Puerto Rico and the other for the Philippines.

The two Lodges continued to work during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and after the establishment of the Republic. In the Constituent Cortes of 1931 had, apart from Ministers, Secretaries, Governors of provinces and general managers, 149 Deputies Masons.

Symbolic Grand Federal Council, elected on July 6, 1931, was made up of notable Freemasons:

Grand Master: Diego Martinez Barrio, Minister for Communications, First Vice President: Marcelino Domingo, Minister of Education Public, Second Vice President: Rodolfo Llopis, Director General of Primary Education, Third Vice President: Enrique Barea, Special Secretary of the Madrid City Council, Fourth Vice President: Vicente Costales, Industrial, and then Governor of Toledo; Great Speaker: Emilio Palomo, Civil Governor of Madrid , Grand Secretary: Emilio PlazaVinuesa, Industrial, Grand Secretary: Francisco de la Mata, Director of the College of Orphans Post, Grand Treasurer: Roberto Ruiz García, employee, Grand Master of Ceremonies: José Gómez de la Serna, Attorney, Grand Hospitaller Elijah Palasí, General Manager of the Library Society, Great Saves Temple: Celso Joaniquet, lawyer and journalist; Members: Fernando de los Rios, Minister of Justice, John Sarradell, lawyer and journalist, Pedro Rico Lopec, Mayor of Madrid, Ramón González Sicilia, Professor and Member of Parliament; Demófilo Good Lozano, Professor and Director of State Alternates: Angel Ballona Rizo, Chief of the Navy and Deputy to the Cortes, Gerardo Abad Conde, Secretary for Communications, Vicente Marco Miranda, Journalist and Member of Parliament, Fernando Valera, Journalist and Member of Parliament, Francisco Saval Motis, Pharmaceutical and Member of Parliament, Pedro Vicente Gomez, Member of Parliament; Eloy Vaquero, Attorney and Member of Parliament, Adolfo Chacon de la Mata, Member of Parliament and then governor of various provinces; Manuel Muñoz, Military Deputy to the Cortes and Juan Santander, Member of Parliament.

the writer says: "During the so-called" two black "(1933-1935) Lerroux government - Gil Robles, the English Freemasonry came to be harassed, but did not dare to openly pursue. Many brothers were imprisoned, Some temples closed and an attempt was made to local fire Grande Oriente in Madrid, by Primo de Rivera's Falange. " The situation worsened further with the Civil War and the rise of the caudillo Francisco Franco. Belong to the Order was declared a crime.

text continues: "(...) Masonic Temples were looted, destroyed the symbols and tools of work, and the files used to tenaciously pursue the HH.. ' contained in them, arrest and sumiéndolos in dungeons where they were charged all sorts of torture and abuse so that, through their moral and even physical pain, betray all components of the fraternity. "

After Civil War and Franco installed in power, this decree in 1940 a law called repression of Freemasonry and Communism . The Grand Master Gil Martinez sought to reorganize the Grand Orient in France, but she was denied any kind of work Masonic and issues of territoriality, and must leave for Mexico where he had better reception. In North Africa, a group of 70 hh. ·. constituted a Lodge called Ulysses. Later

will attach as an appendix to various documents and testimonies of the time, collected, and, many prestigious journals and referred to the condition of the English Republicans, Republicans, and Masons. Some of these texts reflect the tension between the different branches in an attempt to win the flames. In this regard, Gil Martínez close bond with Great Eastern Federal Argentino - G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '., A Liberal and Adogmática Obedience split from the Grand Lodge of R. Argentina. " E. '. A. '. A. '. and remained independent during the period 1935-1956 when a binding agreement with the Grand Lodge in 1957 giving birth to a new Masonic body other than the above, the present Grand Lodge of Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons.

The G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. Freemasonry was known as the English Republicans in Argentina, although they swelled the columns of both Lodges. Miguel Servera, also of English origin, was Grand Master of the G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. on several occasions and visited Martínez Gil in Mexico. Also members of the obedience Liberal Barcia Trelles, Juan Blasco Iniesta and Garzón, among others.

In 1943, with the support of the Supreme Council of the United States of Mexico, that country is in the Supreme Council, 33 º of Freemasonry exiled English working in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

In 1947 the authorities established were:

Sovereign Grand Commander, H. '. Barea Enrique Perez (reelected). Lieutenant Grand Commander, H. '. Justo Fernández Caballero. Former Grand Master of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain English Grand Orient. Great Speaker, H. '. Eugenio Aráuz Pallardó. Former member of the Regional Grand Lodge Central Spain English Grand Orient. Grand Secretary General, H. '. Isidoro Sánchez Martínez, former Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Spain Levante English Grand Orient. Grand Treasurer, H. '. Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge English. Grand Master of Ceremonies, H. '. Reiguera Francisco Perez, Director of Federal Symbolic Grand Council. Large Cap.. ' Guar.. ', H.'. Francisco Cantos Abad, Director of the Grand Council of the Great Eastern Federal Symbolic English.

Directors residing in Mexico : HH.. ' Diego Martínez Barrio, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English; Demófilo de Buen Lozano, a former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English; Umbert Luis Santos, a former Grand Treasurer of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain, Odon de Buen and Cos, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Angel Rizo Bayona, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Fernando Valera Aparicio Perez and Antonio Guasch, former Directors of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain and the Grand Council of the Great Eastern Federal Symbolic English. Directors

living in Buenos Aires, Argentina : H. '. Augusto Barcia Trelles, former Grand Commander and former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Juan Manuel Iniesta, former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Regional Central Spain from Gr. " Or.. ' English. Councillor

resident in Montevideo, Uruguay Republic of : H. '. José Estruch Ripoll, former Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Spain Levante from Gr. " O. '. English.

resident in France Directors: HH.. ' Portella Manuel Valladares, former Grand Master of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain, the English Grand Orient, Matthew Hernandez Barroso, Chancellor of the Supreme Council Gr. " 33rd in Spain, Julio Hernandez, a former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain Regional Center of the Grand Orient English.

Miguel Servera, the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico "and the English Grand Orient in exile. The Grand Master of the G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. on his trip to Mexico in October 1947. Here, as the picture shows, meeting in an intimate meal, from left to right Past Grand Master IL. '. H. '. Valentin Rincon, the same Servera, IL Grand Master. '. H. '. Tellez Pedro Maldonado and the Grand Master Lucio Martínez Gil. Source: Archives of G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '.

appear in the print Hh. ·. Avila, Martínez Gil, Servera, Rivera Pérez and Rimon Gallardo. Verbum, Fourth era, Year XVIII, No. 40, Buenos Aires, January-April 1952.

Report of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States over Spain in exile (extract)

Washington - 1945

Grand Commander: Enrique Pérez Barea, Grand Secretary General : Isidro Sánchez Martínez; Address: Lucerne No. 2, Mexico City (3) Area Representative. " Council of the Southern Jurisdiction: Augusto Barcia, its representative to the Area '. Con '. Washington: William S. MacCrea.

(...) The situation in Spain, Masonic speaking, has not improved, but we believe it will soon improve at least hope so. At present, however, this Great Body (4), which remains in exile in Mexico City, driving, with activity, all work has raised some Masons active members, one of which was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, Jose Fernandez Armengol. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Spain, when we attended the opening of the Supreme Council in exile, was Demófilo de Buen, and he was present, even though he has been living in Panama. There are many other members residing in this hemisphere.

With regard to the situation in Spain, then transcribed the letter received from Grand Secretary General Sanchez, dated April 1945. It reads: "The Supreme Council 33 Degree for Spain and its dependencies, apart from all factions and political doctrines of profane, could not take your indulgence to the point of not fulfilling the most basic duty to defend those principles which are Masonic building foundation, and what, in the degree of Apprentice, we reiterated our commitment and loyalty through successive oaths: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.

has been abolished in Spain Free . The force is imposed on the right. A military revolt which has faced the people all the time he could and that due to his lack of combat elements, was stripped of a regime that was an expression of national sovereignty, decided by the voluntary choice in the elections 1931, which were legal and warranted by the circumstances in which these were called. Proponents of the Constitution, which is legal, have been ruthlessly persecuted as real criminals.

In Spain there is no Equal . All those who are marked as enemies of the Franco regime can not play the positions on merit obtained in the different units of government such as Health, Education, Judiciary, etc.. Doctors, architects, engineers and many other professionals can not pursue their respective activities, if they are not classified as less than devotees of the current regime. All these must compulsorily reside in the place assigned by the authorities. In fact there are two categories of English: those who enslaved and those who are slaves.

The Brotherhood is a feeling that is extinct in Spain, at least under the current regime. A chase ends followed by bloody executions, increasing daily hatred and resentment, and unable to forget all to forgive and live in harmony. For those of Masonic ranks have defended the principle of fraternity as one of the aspirations of the human soul (see) as applied to us and what is called the Law on Suppression of Freemasonry, which are contained severe penalties for the Masons, whose sentences are increasing in proportion to the degree that the Mason holds in the Order, until death, which is most severe.

opened in San Francisco is a historical process that begins with the doom of perpetual systems, concepts (and) doctrines that have been taken to light in this great tragedy that has experienced the world in recent years. It would be unfair to certain narrow interests of tradition, family convenience, or political tutelage should be imposed against human interests should inspire the case of Spain in all good conscience and allow our country and the people are tyrannized the face of the postwar world.

We are asking only that, through them, contribute to form around the problem of Spain, an atmosphere that would prevent this from happening. Using their relationships and influences between the foreign ministers, making the brothers, writers, professionals, etc., address the issue in their newspapers and magazines in which they collaborate, through conferences, by processes that determine their own initiative, we ask that you cooperate with us in the work to reinstall in Spain the freedoms that have been seized treacherously by force.

On behalf of our principles, we turn to you this request, we are sure will be well received in the spirit of brotherhood and the honest feeling of duty Masonic. We witness our gratitude for the attention paid to serve you is our prayer and we send our fraternal greetings. "

(Signed) Grand Commander: Enrique Pérez Barea. Chancellor-Secretary-General: Isidro Sánchez.

New York newspaper the New York Times dated July 26, 1945 said: "A radio commentator in Madrid said yesterday that the decision taken last week for the fifty United Nations in San Francisco to exclude Spain from the new global security organization is the result of a web of international freemasonry. "

Martínez Barrio's brother came to Washington, but to our dismay, we could not interview him. Is an active member of the Supreme Council and was President of the Cortes when the Republic English was overthrown. Unfortunately, all these brothers have had much to suffer and, in the case of the Grand Commander Barea, add the eye infection that unfortunately afflicts him (...)

stigmatized English The Big East: Interviews with Enrique Jose Barea and Armengol, 1944

1. Speaking the Venerable Brother. " Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in exile English (5)

We found in the Catalan Choral Society, smiling and reading a number of Masonic Monitor, for which he feels a genuine affection. For Don Pepe, they call him all the brothers, the years do not happen. Perfect health, in his talk is jovial, optimistic temperament, and, as a good mason, anxious to get the happy hour of triumph of Democracies.

- What brings you here?

"The fulfillment of duty.

"If I can help.

- Do you find yourself well in Mexico?

-Admirably. Here I found support, sympathy, consideration and affection in all sectors. Everywhere I go I find more than worship ... (There were tears in his eyes). Mexican brothers deserve my gratitude, first under Mason.

- What do you think should be the performance of English brothers received in Mexico?

"I've said it before and I repeat it now. All refugee brothers in America have a duty to work actively adding to the regular lodges in the country where they are and to provide all its heat and support the work.

"So we believe also brothers who make up the drafting of Masonic Monitor.

"I regret that a few, very few fortunately not understand it well, but I hope that in the not distant day they will realize that only with Masonic regularity can do practical work and generous.

- How many years of Masonic life you mind?

-Over fifty and always active. To live is to act, the action is life. Men and institutions can only subsist on generous effort and thought impulse.

- How do you see the future?

"Hopefully none. The tenets of Freemasonry lovingly imposed just end the terrible tragedy of the current war of liberation of humanity. Dictatorships fall never to rise again and his ashes will spring a more humane, more free, fairer and smarter. With the triumph of Democracies triumph of Freemasonry, the institution most noble and worthy in the eyes of all good men, of all those who love good for its own sake, in short, all those who long for the advent of universal brotherhood.

- Many English brothers who work in the regular lodges in Mexico?

-pass two hundred ...

- How the English Grand Lodge?

"And the Big East English. Work confused with Mexican brothers and fraternal harmony and cooperation. I understand that we here in exile all the agencies we Mexicans, solidaridd and to correspond to the gratitude we owe them. Again, we must not forget that the gratitude and loyalty are the first two virtues that should cultivate and practice good Mason.

- You want some of the brothers of the Masonic Monitor ?

-Just to let you express my gratitude for how much they have made towards this older brother and other English brothers. Take, for me, a brotherly hug Loyo Alfonso Castro, Francisco Cesar, Raul Cordero Amador, Jose Garci Crespo, Luis J. Zalce, etc., Etc.

"We will. And with that we bid farewell to Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge in Exile, whose behavior and ideas will suggest this comment: What do you think that the HH and these.. ' Gil Martínez Lucio and twenty HH.. ' the English East Grande in Exile, who have forgotten that "gratitude and loyalty are the first two virtues that should cultivate and practice the Mason?" English The Big East received hospitality in Exile, spiritually and materially, of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. The vast majority of its members joined in different Lodges of the Valley of Mexico. Only Martínez Gil and his small group, after enjoying for some time of entertainment we invaded the jurisdiction of the (Grand) Lodge Valle de Mexico and Friendship Treaty held irregular bodies as the Independent Grand Lodge of Mexico and the Mexican National Rite. As reprehensible conduct involves a triple disloyalty: and Masons have to be absent from the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, and English, to help deepen the divisions between Mexican agencies, the country that gave them shelter, as Grand Master Don Lucio and as members of the Grand Orient English in exile, those who follow him, which he swore to this, because by invading the jurisdiction of a Regular Power and Friendship Treaty held irregular bodies, have made the Grand English Orient in Exile fall into a state of irregularity. From the above been served to all Grand Lodges that ignore this background, still hold fraternal relations with the English Grand Orient in exile so they know what to expect.

2. Opinions of the Supreme Sovereign Grand Commander of the English Council in exile Grade 33 Il.. ' and Pod. '. Her.. ' Enrique Barea (6)

- What does the Mexican brothers?

- are admirable! We have received as a mother receives her sons fallen on misfortune. Both the symbolism and philosophical, we have been dignified and brothers, we have spared no solidarity and affection.

- fulfilled their duty!

-Mexico is a sister country that we love sincerely and ardently, without reservation, with intense gratitude, because the most critical times has been at our side. The pilgrim loves Mexico Spain with all his soul, with all his heart, because we found what ingratitude in other lands was denied.

- Do you work actively English brothers?

"Undoubtedly. The symbolic work in the Lodges of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the philosophical in the chambers which operate under the auspices of the Supreme Council United States of Mexico ...

"A small group has been incorporated into irregular bodies ...

"I do not talk about illegal things. In Masonry there is no more than the regular, which means discipline, understanding, wisdom and beauty. Under this ring true soul takes refuge Masonic.

- How do you see the future, Illustrious Brother?

"I believe in the complete triumph of the United Nations. In this bloody conflagration will spring a new life, a better, more just, based on freedom, law, justice and fraternity. In the structure of the nascent humanity, of the new society, Freemasonry, our Augustus, a strong influence.

- Worldwide?

-Masonry does not recognize borders. It is a stand for civilization and happiness of peoples against oppression, against tyranny and against the denial of the right of freedom. Which is tyranny, there is Masonry, presenting, sometimes with and sometimes without apron apron, as required by circumstances. Always act, because to live is to act, because action is life. Men and institutions can only subsist on generous effort and thought impulse.

- Live you happy?

-peace of mind, with the satisfaction of accomplishment. In the hardest hours of my life I've always remembered those words of José Martí: "Duty is happy, but not enough, and stick to purely elevate the soul to a state of perpetual sweetness."

-hammering is our duty, right?

"Exactly. Masonry is eternal. Not white foam that breaks the wind, nor haughty summit defies the storms, not a soft silt that accommodates shifting circumstances, nor hard rock, and cold indifference, which repels blasts of thought and the Northern Golden civilization ... Truth is, is Reason, is Democracy. He is in the awareness that govern Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. His constant fight is for truth, virtue, the social, unencumbered by the petty, sectarian so, so passionate.

-reproduced with deep heartfelt welcome these opinions, and highlight the paragraphs referring to the irregular masonry, which so accurately interpret our own way of thinking about this, calling the attention of Masons in our territory tease Masonic regularity and fall, therefore, under the thoughtful insights that deserve this brother the irregularity of these bodies. Critical

literature book Jakim Boor - F. Franco, 1956.

This bibliographical note (7) was published when he was not yet known the true identity of Jakim Boor - Francisco Franco, J.

Boor, under the generic title Masonry, discloses, in an edition of James de Madrid, a series of articles he published between 1946 and 1951 in the Madrid newspaper Arriba and which attaches to our institution all bad that happened during the past centuries in the world in general and Spain in particular. In fact the only thing that should not be to Masonry are the plagues that struck Egypt in pharaonic times. Thank goodness!

All political crimes and the others are due to Masonry. A Masonry Darlan run it for being a Mason disobedient to Petain was convicted of being a Catholic, Hitler and Mussolini were demolished for having moved, to hold the government in their respective countries, the Masons and they wanted to recover the lost positions. Unfortunately for the author that the successors of the two dictators are leaders belonging to Roman Catholic parties.

But Freemasonry does not stop there: Humberto because last time Mason is displaced from the throne Italy, former king of Belgium is separated by being devout Catholic and refused to enter Freemasonry, while communists were opposed to Freemasonry and persecute you, that does not prevent another article states that are allies , the creation of the state of Israel is a creature of Masonry to annoy the Catholic and the independence of the Arab states of North Africa and the Middle East is Masonic plot to upset Spain.

certainly is an obsession of the author see everywhere Freemasonry which he blames mostly have removed the Jesuits, have undermined the English empire and have given independence to the English colonies in America to keep them away from the mother country and bosom of the Roman Catholic Church. Not forget that Freemasonry is to blame for the delay so that the Franco regime between the organization of the United Nations.

All these accusations, the author summarizes in one word: "Masons in Spain means this: the treason and the threat of religion; abject figures, and thrive, they can sell their brothers the enemy ". And since the Franco regime persecuted Masonry, as good English (?) Exclaims: "With Franco to death" .

luxurious edition, well printed although many typographical errors in more than one case are real pearls (which attributed J. Boor, no doubt, in the next edition, hand-Mason), will convince all readers with insight into how false and vile are the charges against Masonry and goodness of our institution.

Francisco Franco

bibliography, notes and sources cited

(1) Preston, Paul, Franco, the great manipulator, Vergara, 2008, pg. 301.

(2) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Freemasonry, Vol 4, General History of Freemasonry - Spain, pp. 486-505. Editorial del Valle de Mexico, undated. The foreword is written by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Symbolic English, Joan García Grau and dated September 7, 1995 in Barcelona. The collection consists of 5 Vol and 3000 pp. The credits state: Written and directed by Lorenzo Frau Abrines and published under the direction of Anis and Arderiu Rosendo. Revised and expanded edition by Luis Almeida Villalar.

(3) shared the seat with the Supreme Council of Mexico.

(4) Refers to the English Supreme Council, which was established in exile in Mexico City, with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Republic Mexicana.

(5) In a report published in the journal The Masonic Monitor of Mexico. Reproduced in the Journal Level, official body of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Argentina, Year 2, Buenos Aires, January 1944, No. 10, pg. 276.

(6) In a report published in the journal The Masonic Monitor of Mexico. Reproduced in the Journal Level, official body of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Argentina, Year 2, Buenos Aires, July 1944, No. 16, pg. 430.

(7) Symbol, September / December 1956, Year XI, No. 46, pp. 160-161.


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