Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Many Inches In Is Your Hymen

Masonry Spanish in exile during the Franco regime, Part 1

In his last speech, delivered on 1 October 1975 in the Plaza de Oriente, (Franco) stated, with regard to international criticism that had raised the recent executions of militants from ETA and FRAP: "All due to a conspiracy Masonic -leftist politicians in cahoots with the terrorists, communist subversion of the social. (1)

All brethren. '. and Sisters. '. English, so that historical memory is not buried or evaded in any respect. This review, brief and certainly incomplete, is part of a series of articles that I will devote to the subject.

G. Authorities. " O. '. F. '. A. '. (Great Eastern Federal Argentino, 1935-1956), with Brother Diego Martinez Barrio, president of the English Republic in exile. The presence of English also Miguel Servera, several times Grand Master Obedience. Source: Verbum

Index: Brief history - Report of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States over Spain in exile, 1945 (extract) - The English Grand Orient stigmatized: Interviews Barea and José Enrique Armengol, 1944 - Critical literature book Jakim Boor, 1956.

Brief background

Frau Abrines established in 1891 (2) that the following entities were Masonic in Spain and its dominions:

of Columbus Supreme Council for Cuba and the islands of the West Indies, Spain, established in Havana since 1859 .
Grand Lodge of Colon and Cuba, in Havana, 1876. Independent Grand Lodge
English in Seville, 1880.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 1883. Symbolic Grand Lodge
Catalan Balearic Islands, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1886.
Galaica Symbolic Grand Lodge, in Madrid, 1888.
English Grand Orient, in Santiago, 1889. Symbolic Grand Lodge
Andalusia, Cordoba, under construction.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of New Castile, in Madrid, under construction.
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Malaga, Malaga, under construction.

1900, remained in Spain English Grand Orient based in Madrid, whose Grand Master was Miguel Morayta and the Regional Grand Lodge Balearic Catalan, based in Barcelona. One of the Grand Masters of the latter had been Rosendo Arus.

In 1903, a committee formed by the two Lodges, studying and approving an agreement with its two main points were 1, the Balearic Catalan Grand Lodge, which maintained relations with 42 power Masonic foreign ceded the management of these relationships to the Grand Orient and 2, the Big East in turn recognized the autonomy of the Grand Lodge Regional to act in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, without intervention or interference Grand Orient.

The pact did not hold after the death of Morayta, and the impossibility of reaching a new agreement, the two powers extend its jurisdiction to the entire English territory. The Balearic Catalan Regional Grand Lodge changed its name to Grand Lodge English and is part of the International Masonic Association , founded in Geneva in 1921. The Big East was reorganized English in 1923 and Grand Lodges creates five regional and two others, one to the affairs of Puerto Rico and the other for the Philippines.

The two Lodges continued to work during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and after the establishment of the Republic. In the Constituent Cortes of 1931 had, apart from Ministers, Secretaries, Governors of provinces and general managers, 149 Deputies Masons.

Symbolic Grand Federal Council, elected on July 6, 1931, was made up of notable Freemasons:

Grand Master: Diego Martinez Barrio, Minister for Communications, First Vice President: Marcelino Domingo, Minister of Education Public, Second Vice President: Rodolfo Llopis, Director General of Primary Education, Third Vice President: Enrique Barea, Special Secretary of the Madrid City Council, Fourth Vice President: Vicente Costales, Industrial, and then Governor of Toledo; Great Speaker: Emilio Palomo, Civil Governor of Madrid , Grand Secretary: Emilio PlazaVinuesa, Industrial, Grand Secretary: Francisco de la Mata, Director of the College of Orphans Post, Grand Treasurer: Roberto Ruiz García, employee, Grand Master of Ceremonies: José Gómez de la Serna, Attorney, Grand Hospitaller Elijah Palasí, General Manager of the Library Society, Great Saves Temple: Celso Joaniquet, lawyer and journalist; Members: Fernando de los Rios, Minister of Justice, John Sarradell, lawyer and journalist, Pedro Rico Lopec, Mayor of Madrid, Ramón González Sicilia, Professor and Member of Parliament; Demófilo Good Lozano, Professor and Director of State Alternates: Angel Ballona Rizo, Chief of the Navy and Deputy to the Cortes, Gerardo Abad Conde, Secretary for Communications, Vicente Marco Miranda, Journalist and Member of Parliament, Fernando Valera, Journalist and Member of Parliament, Francisco Saval Motis, Pharmaceutical and Member of Parliament, Pedro Vicente Gomez, Member of Parliament; Eloy Vaquero, Attorney and Member of Parliament, Adolfo Chacon de la Mata, Member of Parliament and then governor of various provinces; Manuel Muñoz, Military Deputy to the Cortes and Juan Santander, Member of Parliament.

the writer says: "During the so-called" two black "(1933-1935) Lerroux government - Gil Robles, the English Freemasonry came to be harassed, but did not dare to openly pursue. Many brothers were imprisoned, Some temples closed and an attempt was made to local fire Grande Oriente in Madrid, by Primo de Rivera's Falange. " The situation worsened further with the Civil War and the rise of the caudillo Francisco Franco. Belong to the Order was declared a crime.

text continues: "(...) Masonic Temples were looted, destroyed the symbols and tools of work, and the files used to tenaciously pursue the HH.. ' contained in them, arrest and sumiéndolos in dungeons where they were charged all sorts of torture and abuse so that, through their moral and even physical pain, betray all components of the fraternity. "

After Civil War and Franco installed in power, this decree in 1940 a law called repression of Freemasonry and Communism . The Grand Master Gil Martinez sought to reorganize the Grand Orient in France, but she was denied any kind of work Masonic and issues of territoriality, and must leave for Mexico where he had better reception. In North Africa, a group of 70 hh. ·. constituted a Lodge called Ulysses. Later

will attach as an appendix to various documents and testimonies of the time, collected, and, many prestigious journals and referred to the condition of the English Republicans, Republicans, and Masons. Some of these texts reflect the tension between the different branches in an attempt to win the flames. In this regard, Gil Martínez close bond with Great Eastern Federal Argentino - G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '., A Liberal and Adogmática Obedience split from the Grand Lodge of R. Argentina. " E. '. A. '. A. '. and remained independent during the period 1935-1956 when a binding agreement with the Grand Lodge in 1957 giving birth to a new Masonic body other than the above, the present Grand Lodge of Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons.

The G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. Freemasonry was known as the English Republicans in Argentina, although they swelled the columns of both Lodges. Miguel Servera, also of English origin, was Grand Master of the G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. on several occasions and visited Martínez Gil in Mexico. Also members of the obedience Liberal Barcia Trelles, Juan Blasco Iniesta and Garzón, among others.

In 1943, with the support of the Supreme Council of the United States of Mexico, that country is in the Supreme Council, 33 º of Freemasonry exiled English working in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

In 1947 the authorities established were:

Sovereign Grand Commander, H. '. Barea Enrique Perez (reelected). Lieutenant Grand Commander, H. '. Justo Fernández Caballero. Former Grand Master of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain English Grand Orient. Great Speaker, H. '. Eugenio Aráuz Pallardó. Former member of the Regional Grand Lodge Central Spain English Grand Orient. Grand Secretary General, H. '. Isidoro Sánchez Martínez, former Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Spain Levante English Grand Orient. Grand Treasurer, H. '. Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge English. Grand Master of Ceremonies, H. '. Reiguera Francisco Perez, Director of Federal Symbolic Grand Council. Large Cap.. ' Guar.. ', H.'. Francisco Cantos Abad, Director of the Grand Council of the Great Eastern Federal Symbolic English.

Directors residing in Mexico : HH.. ' Diego Martínez Barrio, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English; Demófilo de Buen Lozano, a former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English; Umbert Luis Santos, a former Grand Treasurer of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain, Odon de Buen and Cos, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Angel Rizo Bayona, former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Fernando Valera Aparicio Perez and Antonio Guasch, former Directors of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain and the Grand Council of the Great Eastern Federal Symbolic English. Directors

living in Buenos Aires, Argentina : H. '. Augusto Barcia Trelles, former Grand Commander and former Grand Master of the Grand Orient English, Juan Manuel Iniesta, former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Regional Central Spain from Gr. " Or.. ' English. Councillor

resident in Montevideo, Uruguay Republic of : H. '. José Estruch Ripoll, former Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Spain Levante from Gr. " O. '. English.

resident in France Directors: HH.. ' Portella Manuel Valladares, former Grand Master of the Northeast Regional Grand Lodge of Spain, the English Grand Orient, Matthew Hernandez Barroso, Chancellor of the Supreme Council Gr. " 33rd in Spain, Julio Hernandez, a former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain Regional Center of the Grand Orient English.

Miguel Servera, the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico "and the English Grand Orient in exile. The Grand Master of the G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '. on his trip to Mexico in October 1947. Here, as the picture shows, meeting in an intimate meal, from left to right Past Grand Master IL. '. H. '. Valentin Rincon, the same Servera, IL Grand Master. '. H. '. Tellez Pedro Maldonado and the Grand Master Lucio Martínez Gil. Source: Archives of G. '. O. '. F. '. A. '.

appear in the print Hh. ·. Avila, Martínez Gil, Servera, Rivera Pérez and Rimon Gallardo. Verbum, Fourth era, Year XVIII, No. 40, Buenos Aires, January-April 1952.

Report of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States over Spain in exile (extract)

Washington - 1945

Grand Commander: Enrique Pérez Barea, Grand Secretary General : Isidro Sánchez Martínez; Address: Lucerne No. 2, Mexico City (3) Area Representative. " Council of the Southern Jurisdiction: Augusto Barcia, its representative to the Area '. Con '. Washington: William S. MacCrea.

(...) The situation in Spain, Masonic speaking, has not improved, but we believe it will soon improve at least hope so. At present, however, this Great Body (4), which remains in exile in Mexico City, driving, with activity, all work has raised some Masons active members, one of which was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, Jose Fernandez Armengol. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Spain, when we attended the opening of the Supreme Council in exile, was Demófilo de Buen, and he was present, even though he has been living in Panama. There are many other members residing in this hemisphere.

With regard to the situation in Spain, then transcribed the letter received from Grand Secretary General Sanchez, dated April 1945. It reads: "The Supreme Council 33 Degree for Spain and its dependencies, apart from all factions and political doctrines of profane, could not take your indulgence to the point of not fulfilling the most basic duty to defend those principles which are Masonic building foundation, and what, in the degree of Apprentice, we reiterated our commitment and loyalty through successive oaths: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.

has been abolished in Spain Free . The force is imposed on the right. A military revolt which has faced the people all the time he could and that due to his lack of combat elements, was stripped of a regime that was an expression of national sovereignty, decided by the voluntary choice in the elections 1931, which were legal and warranted by the circumstances in which these were called. Proponents of the Constitution, which is legal, have been ruthlessly persecuted as real criminals.

In Spain there is no Equal . All those who are marked as enemies of the Franco regime can not play the positions on merit obtained in the different units of government such as Health, Education, Judiciary, etc.. Doctors, architects, engineers and many other professionals can not pursue their respective activities, if they are not classified as less than devotees of the current regime. All these must compulsorily reside in the place assigned by the authorities. In fact there are two categories of English: those who enslaved and those who are slaves.

The Brotherhood is a feeling that is extinct in Spain, at least under the current regime. A chase ends followed by bloody executions, increasing daily hatred and resentment, and unable to forget all to forgive and live in harmony. For those of Masonic ranks have defended the principle of fraternity as one of the aspirations of the human soul (see) as applied to us and what is called the Law on Suppression of Freemasonry, which are contained severe penalties for the Masons, whose sentences are increasing in proportion to the degree that the Mason holds in the Order, until death, which is most severe.

opened in San Francisco is a historical process that begins with the doom of perpetual systems, concepts (and) doctrines that have been taken to light in this great tragedy that has experienced the world in recent years. It would be unfair to certain narrow interests of tradition, family convenience, or political tutelage should be imposed against human interests should inspire the case of Spain in all good conscience and allow our country and the people are tyrannized the face of the postwar world.

We are asking only that, through them, contribute to form around the problem of Spain, an atmosphere that would prevent this from happening. Using their relationships and influences between the foreign ministers, making the brothers, writers, professionals, etc., address the issue in their newspapers and magazines in which they collaborate, through conferences, by processes that determine their own initiative, we ask that you cooperate with us in the work to reinstall in Spain the freedoms that have been seized treacherously by force.

On behalf of our principles, we turn to you this request, we are sure will be well received in the spirit of brotherhood and the honest feeling of duty Masonic. We witness our gratitude for the attention paid to serve you is our prayer and we send our fraternal greetings. "

(Signed) Grand Commander: Enrique Pérez Barea. Chancellor-Secretary-General: Isidro Sánchez.

New York newspaper the New York Times dated July 26, 1945 said: "A radio commentator in Madrid said yesterday that the decision taken last week for the fifty United Nations in San Francisco to exclude Spain from the new global security organization is the result of a web of international freemasonry. "

Martínez Barrio's brother came to Washington, but to our dismay, we could not interview him. Is an active member of the Supreme Council and was President of the Cortes when the Republic English was overthrown. Unfortunately, all these brothers have had much to suffer and, in the case of the Grand Commander Barea, add the eye infection that unfortunately afflicts him (...)

stigmatized English The Big East: Interviews with Enrique Jose Barea and Armengol, 1944

1. Speaking the Venerable Brother. " Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in exile English (5)

We found in the Catalan Choral Society, smiling and reading a number of Masonic Monitor, for which he feels a genuine affection. For Don Pepe, they call him all the brothers, the years do not happen. Perfect health, in his talk is jovial, optimistic temperament, and, as a good mason, anxious to get the happy hour of triumph of Democracies.

- What brings you here?

"The fulfillment of duty.

"If I can help.

- Do you find yourself well in Mexico?

-Admirably. Here I found support, sympathy, consideration and affection in all sectors. Everywhere I go I find more than worship ... (There were tears in his eyes). Mexican brothers deserve my gratitude, first under Mason.

- What do you think should be the performance of English brothers received in Mexico?

"I've said it before and I repeat it now. All refugee brothers in America have a duty to work actively adding to the regular lodges in the country where they are and to provide all its heat and support the work.

"So we believe also brothers who make up the drafting of Masonic Monitor.

"I regret that a few, very few fortunately not understand it well, but I hope that in the not distant day they will realize that only with Masonic regularity can do practical work and generous.

- How many years of Masonic life you mind?

-Over fifty and always active. To live is to act, the action is life. Men and institutions can only subsist on generous effort and thought impulse.

- How do you see the future?

"Hopefully none. The tenets of Freemasonry lovingly imposed just end the terrible tragedy of the current war of liberation of humanity. Dictatorships fall never to rise again and his ashes will spring a more humane, more free, fairer and smarter. With the triumph of Democracies triumph of Freemasonry, the institution most noble and worthy in the eyes of all good men, of all those who love good for its own sake, in short, all those who long for the advent of universal brotherhood.

- Many English brothers who work in the regular lodges in Mexico?

-pass two hundred ...

- How the English Grand Lodge?

"And the Big East English. Work confused with Mexican brothers and fraternal harmony and cooperation. I understand that we here in exile all the agencies we Mexicans, solidaridd and to correspond to the gratitude we owe them. Again, we must not forget that the gratitude and loyalty are the first two virtues that should cultivate and practice good Mason.

- You want some of the brothers of the Masonic Monitor ?

-Just to let you express my gratitude for how much they have made towards this older brother and other English brothers. Take, for me, a brotherly hug Loyo Alfonso Castro, Francisco Cesar, Raul Cordero Amador, Jose Garci Crespo, Luis J. Zalce, etc., Etc.

"We will. And with that we bid farewell to Jose Fernandez Armengol, Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge in Exile, whose behavior and ideas will suggest this comment: What do you think that the HH and these.. ' Gil Martínez Lucio and twenty HH.. ' the English East Grande in Exile, who have forgotten that "gratitude and loyalty are the first two virtues that should cultivate and practice the Mason?" English The Big East received hospitality in Exile, spiritually and materially, of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. The vast majority of its members joined in different Lodges of the Valley of Mexico. Only Martínez Gil and his small group, after enjoying for some time of entertainment we invaded the jurisdiction of the (Grand) Lodge Valle de Mexico and Friendship Treaty held irregular bodies as the Independent Grand Lodge of Mexico and the Mexican National Rite. As reprehensible conduct involves a triple disloyalty: and Masons have to be absent from the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, and English, to help deepen the divisions between Mexican agencies, the country that gave them shelter, as Grand Master Don Lucio and as members of the Grand Orient English in exile, those who follow him, which he swore to this, because by invading the jurisdiction of a Regular Power and Friendship Treaty held irregular bodies, have made the Grand English Orient in Exile fall into a state of irregularity. From the above been served to all Grand Lodges that ignore this background, still hold fraternal relations with the English Grand Orient in exile so they know what to expect.

2. Opinions of the Supreme Sovereign Grand Commander of the English Council in exile Grade 33 Il.. ' and Pod. '. Her.. ' Enrique Barea (6)

- What does the Mexican brothers?

- are admirable! We have received as a mother receives her sons fallen on misfortune. Both the symbolism and philosophical, we have been dignified and brothers, we have spared no solidarity and affection.

- fulfilled their duty!

-Mexico is a sister country that we love sincerely and ardently, without reservation, with intense gratitude, because the most critical times has been at our side. The pilgrim loves Mexico Spain with all his soul, with all his heart, because we found what ingratitude in other lands was denied.

- Do you work actively English brothers?

"Undoubtedly. The symbolic work in the Lodges of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the philosophical in the chambers which operate under the auspices of the Supreme Council United States of Mexico ...

"A small group has been incorporated into irregular bodies ...

"I do not talk about illegal things. In Masonry there is no more than the regular, which means discipline, understanding, wisdom and beauty. Under this ring true soul takes refuge Masonic.

- How do you see the future, Illustrious Brother?

"I believe in the complete triumph of the United Nations. In this bloody conflagration will spring a new life, a better, more just, based on freedom, law, justice and fraternity. In the structure of the nascent humanity, of the new society, Freemasonry, our Augustus, a strong influence.

- Worldwide?

-Masonry does not recognize borders. It is a stand for civilization and happiness of peoples against oppression, against tyranny and against the denial of the right of freedom. Which is tyranny, there is Masonry, presenting, sometimes with and sometimes without apron apron, as required by circumstances. Always act, because to live is to act, because action is life. Men and institutions can only subsist on generous effort and thought impulse.

- Live you happy?

-peace of mind, with the satisfaction of accomplishment. In the hardest hours of my life I've always remembered those words of José Martí: "Duty is happy, but not enough, and stick to purely elevate the soul to a state of perpetual sweetness."

-hammering is our duty, right?

"Exactly. Masonry is eternal. Not white foam that breaks the wind, nor haughty summit defies the storms, not a soft silt that accommodates shifting circumstances, nor hard rock, and cold indifference, which repels blasts of thought and the Northern Golden civilization ... Truth is, is Reason, is Democracy. He is in the awareness that govern Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. His constant fight is for truth, virtue, the social, unencumbered by the petty, sectarian so, so passionate.

-reproduced with deep heartfelt welcome these opinions, and highlight the paragraphs referring to the irregular masonry, which so accurately interpret our own way of thinking about this, calling the attention of Masons in our territory tease Masonic regularity and fall, therefore, under the thoughtful insights that deserve this brother the irregularity of these bodies. Critical

literature book Jakim Boor - F. Franco, 1956.

This bibliographical note (7) was published when he was not yet known the true identity of Jakim Boor - Francisco Franco, J.

Boor, under the generic title Masonry, discloses, in an edition of James de Madrid, a series of articles he published between 1946 and 1951 in the Madrid newspaper Arriba and which attaches to our institution all bad that happened during the past centuries in the world in general and Spain in particular. In fact the only thing that should not be to Masonry are the plagues that struck Egypt in pharaonic times. Thank goodness!

All political crimes and the others are due to Masonry. A Masonry Darlan run it for being a Mason disobedient to Petain was convicted of being a Catholic, Hitler and Mussolini were demolished for having moved, to hold the government in their respective countries, the Masons and they wanted to recover the lost positions. Unfortunately for the author that the successors of the two dictators are leaders belonging to Roman Catholic parties.

But Freemasonry does not stop there: Humberto because last time Mason is displaced from the throne Italy, former king of Belgium is separated by being devout Catholic and refused to enter Freemasonry, while communists were opposed to Freemasonry and persecute you, that does not prevent another article states that are allies , the creation of the state of Israel is a creature of Masonry to annoy the Catholic and the independence of the Arab states of North Africa and the Middle East is Masonic plot to upset Spain.

certainly is an obsession of the author see everywhere Freemasonry which he blames mostly have removed the Jesuits, have undermined the English empire and have given independence to the English colonies in America to keep them away from the mother country and bosom of the Roman Catholic Church. Not forget that Freemasonry is to blame for the delay so that the Franco regime between the organization of the United Nations.

All these accusations, the author summarizes in one word: "Masons in Spain means this: the treason and the threat of religion; abject figures, and thrive, they can sell their brothers the enemy ". And since the Franco regime persecuted Masonry, as good English (?) Exclaims: "With Franco to death" .

luxurious edition, well printed although many typographical errors in more than one case are real pearls (which attributed J. Boor, no doubt, in the next edition, hand-Mason), will convince all readers with insight into how false and vile are the charges against Masonry and goodness of our institution.

Francisco Franco

bibliography, notes and sources cited

(1) Preston, Paul, Franco, the great manipulator, Vergara, 2008, pg. 301.

(2) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Freemasonry, Vol 4, General History of Freemasonry - Spain, pp. 486-505. Editorial del Valle de Mexico, undated. The foreword is written by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Symbolic English, Joan García Grau and dated September 7, 1995 in Barcelona. The collection consists of 5 Vol and 3000 pp. The credits state: Written and directed by Lorenzo Frau Abrines and published under the direction of Anis and Arderiu Rosendo. Revised and expanded edition by Luis Almeida Villalar.

(3) shared the seat with the Supreme Council of Mexico.

(4) Refers to the English Supreme Council, which was established in exile in Mexico City, with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Republic Mexicana.

(5) In a report published in the journal The Masonic Monitor of Mexico. Reproduced in the Journal Level, official body of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Argentina, Year 2, Buenos Aires, January 1944, No. 10, pg. 276.

(6) In a report published in the journal The Masonic Monitor of Mexico. Reproduced in the Journal Level, official body of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Argentina, Year 2, Buenos Aires, July 1944, No. 16, pg. 430.

(7) Symbol, September / December 1956, Year XI, No. 46, pp. 160-161.

Orange And Toothpaste

The Spa and its surrounding

few months ago that we drop by the Spa Arnedillo , and even today I have set to work to tell you the best and the worst of it.

I will say that I am a little heavy, because I always talk about Spas and Spa, but lately what I want is pinched me and me to recompose expert hands, this body is already taking years old .. , Well, say that we stayed in the same hotel Arnedillo Spa, and on top of being expensive, the bed was an ordeal, at least the bed that touched us. It is a hotel that has much movement of people (much Inserso!) and frankly, need a reform in the rooms, a new air. It is a hotel that has little affordable prices even with offers for what they offer.

What is its strength: its waters. is the first time, and I say to heart, is the first time I get in a pool with a spa and leave virtually no pain .. Is not it wonderful? I do not know exactly what they have water, very very hot out of the earth, but for the first time I've come to understand the health benefits of spa waters. And it's been in it, and nowhere else. The spa's good is that you can swim in the pools (there are outdoor and indoor) at any time of day, without booking time. My advice, take the last hour before dinner, just some people, and feel the cold winter night while you're in the warm pool is a real pleasure.

The circuit Roman Baths is not bad. Of note, a pool of water "burning" was the one I removed the neck pain that I caused the bed ..

As for food, is normal, a free buffet , with strengths and weaknesses, not more.

The environment is really fantastic, I love that area of \u200b\u200bthe Rioja, the scenery is spectacular, serrano and copper. Full of wine caves in the mountains and hiking trails. A two-step, we Enciso and the area full of footprints, the footprints of dinosaurs left in their wake.

If you want to go romantic getaway may not be the most suitable, because seeing both retired from there, you leave a little libido soils. But as water health benefits are great. Probably
thereabouts again, but next time, try to give me a better bed!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What The Best Way To Masterbate?

Tutorial: Installing Frets on fire in Mac OS X

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recipe For Monster Bars

37 th International Book Fair of Buenos Aires - Argentina 2011

37th International Book Fair of Buenos Aires, Argentina, April-May 2011. Yellow Pavilion, booth 2502 Publications Argentinas, Director Fernando Fontenla. There will be exposed

my following texts:

internal bleeding. volume of poems presented at XVIII International Book Fair of Buenos Aires in 1992, under the auspices of the Secretariat of Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires. Diploma appreciation for the contribution to the National Cultural Growth in 1997, awarded by the Literary Circle of Blue Bartolome Mitre, Buenos Aires.
also was presented at the International Fairs Book of Puerto Rico, Panama, Central America and Costa Rica.
ISBN: 950-735-057-8

Portrait of Adam and Eve. First edition, Lighthouse Press, 1999. stories Temptation of Adam and Eve Portrait and Crucifixes skin obtained Literary Merit Medal of the Editorial Of The Four Winds, being published in the Southern Territory's 2008 anthology of Buenos Aires writers.
also was presented at the International Book Fair of Puerto Rico, Panama and Buenos Aires.
ISBN: 950-813-108-X

V Emotions 2010 Audiobook Anthology, a selection of award-winning stories and poems, made through the call to the V International Competition of Poetry and Narrative in audiobook, organized and edited on CD by the Latin American Cultural Institute. Third
Short Story Award.
The volume was presented at the International Book Fair of Puerto Rico and Buenos Aires.
ISBN: 978-987-05-8445-2

Some criticisms:

"Internal Bleeding", a new book tandilense

"Internal Bleeding" by Mauricio J. Campos and Victor J. Carle. RundiNuskín Editor Buenos Aires, September 1991. So much formal, required to identify a book, you can not be avoided. But "Internal Bleeding" is much more than a book, left the thought of two young Tandil. I do not know if it qualifies as a book of poems, poetic prose, or intimate experiential expressions. So yes, internal bleeding is the poetic conversation beyond the inflexible traditional rhyme and meter, paint the bottomless pit of two souls with sensitive but firm idioms, thoughtful but eloquent, strong to the impact of irony but flaming of sweetness, paint own situations, particularly the work, as nobody managed to do in these latitudes. At times confusing the issues, Fields and Carle, however knowing their ages, not just on the periphery of life but of himself hidden from everything that man does, suffers, lives, suffers, think, meditate, express themselves, denied, needs, ambitions, drives as "rumors of an overdose of shipwrecks night ...", the paper dumped drag on through the book, to get the message to their peers, the ultimate object of all published literature. Poets

capitalized, these kids from Tandil achieve what more than one veteran of the letters had coveted, lard achieve personal convictions with a language such Contemporary their code was understandable at all times, spitting, ignoring, circumventing, and even despising all that in the history of poets ever could have resulted orthodox. But do not fall into the heterodoxy of vulgarity, of the incomprehensible, idiomatically as wild or embroidered, not because of the terms, phrases, sentences, the logical hilación employed are such that the harmony that is apparent in internal bleeding, air-conditioning the real sense of poetry that there are treasures. Modern Poetry, courageous, truthful, intuitive, but concrete and steel, sensitive and courageous. "As simple billiard balls elastically shot ..." marking an existential state analysts who own life by life itself have managed to express his thoughts in such a language that is understandable to those in the same life are knowing or not following the same path. Tandil be commended for this release that two of his sons do. And as they themselves indicate at some point "the Stone of Destiny was embedded in the way of life ', the form is an alternative easy read, yet profound, objectionable but true, as hinted that stone in the middle of life . Mauricio Javier Campos, has 22 years, Victor Joseph Carle, 33. Both share the everyday factory work that calloused hands, but enables the heart to open to the reality of life. Both of Tandil with the advent of spring 91, offered this bouquet to your city. LMO


invitation of the Secretariat of Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires, Federal Capital traveling to two writers Tandil to attend the Book Fair. These are young Mauricio Javier Campos and Victor Carle, who last year published "Internal Bleeding" in RundiNuskín Editor. This Saturday at 20, the stand have to present their work and talk about literature marginal. On the occasion of the local presentation of the book "Internal Bleeding" El Eco de Tandil twice had the opportunity to present its readers the details of the title is edited and conversations with authors and critical material on the site.

On the occasion, both Carle and Maurice Victor Javier Campos, told the reporter "surprised by this invitation, the couple who welcomed the opportunity that the highest possible culture Aires body to speak of his work published, no less than in the Book Fair.

Concurrently, the authors stated that "we do not believe in coincidences, but last year, to this point in April, had first come to Buenos Aires looking for editor for our work, and in September we realize our ambition to bring out our thoughts, experiences and sayings, in our humble work. "

04/16/1992 Author: Luis M. Olivar.



A book of poems written almost entirely in prose, divided into two parts: Hand in Hand with My Shadow Mauricio Campos and Alone with Our Spirit Victor Carle. Both are factory workers in the city of Tandil.

His language lacks a certain aesthetic romantic moments to which we are accustomed to poetry, but it is lacking sensitivity. It's like the formula that has prepared an alchemist to solve a complex disease: the monotony.

Without knowing them, one can realize how hard it was for them to unravel the tangle of emotions that overwhelmed the embargo and internal bleeding in this conveys a harsh reality that we can not turn our backs.

Author: Fernando Ciccarelli.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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  3. Let me put
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  5. Rock N Roll Is not Noise Pollution
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Monday, March 7, 2011

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Incestos Italianos Gratis

The new Court Argentina of the Masonic Order International Joint Le Droit Humain - The Human Right

M. '. IL.. ' H. '. Antonio Ceruelo, 33 °, Deputy Grand Master of the Order of Co-Freemasonry Le Droit Humain International - The Human Right, Large Spain's Supreme Commander for Universal Joint Board and CEO of the new Court Argentina.
The photograph was taken from the albums of Q '. H. '. Ivan Herrera Michel (and belongs to the VI Latin American Symposium The Human Right, Colombia, Oct. 15 to 18 of 2010).

To write this little note I have the authorization of the M. '. Q. '. H. '. LA, Secretary of the new Court, a founding member and current secretary of the Henry Dunant Worshipful Lodge No. 1922 (and former Venerable of the Lodge Sons of the Universe). So here I speak of this dear brother, who possesses a long history masonic and significant human values, to which I have known for at least a dozen years.

The excuse to write about the Order, this opportunity is another visit to the country of M. '. IL.. ' and P. '. H. '. Antonio Ceruelo, this time for the official inauguration of the Court Argentina, going beyond the organizational stage Lodges Pioneers, reveals a context of remarkable growth and strength of Obedience on national soil.

The International Joint Masonic Order Le Droit Humain - The Human Right renews its presence in Argentina, holding fast to force together with other liberal powers of the caliber of the Grand Orient of the Federal Republic Argentina - G. '. O. '. F. '. R. '. A. '. or incipient Symbolic Grand Lodge Argentina - G. '. L. '. S. '. A. '. to which I belong and where a small delegation of brethren. '. and Sisters. '. could not attend the great event, despite the warm invitation. It is worth highlighting the human qualities of the members of the Order, which I had opportunity to see several times. This, together with their values \u200b\u200balways mixticidad, humanism, secular spirituality and a strong social commitment, he predicts a promising future rather than on our land. Obedience

This first International Joint Deraismes created by Mary and George Martin in France in 1893, already had its first lodge in Argentina in 1912. Is The Human Right No. 601 and the second was the Lodge Savonarola in the province of San Luis. In 1915 it was already established Argentina Federation, whose original statutes and regulations consisted of 84 pages. Over the years, many ups and downs and successive coups, diluted its influence. Since its inception, the English Sarraga Bethlehem was a great promoter of the Order in the country, as laid down in Article I left Bethlehem Sarraga . Life and feminist revolution, a text that was suggested by the Brothers of Mary Deraismes Foundation.

One of the primary tasks of the Foundation, which occupies the Q direction. " H. '. Gonzalo Tapia, book publishing is to disseminate Mixed Masonry in the world, reaching a very high level of quality. Ceruelo Antonio is no stranger to this work and, apart from the functions of authority mentioned in the various volumes can appreciate their collaboration, search and collection of texts and photographs.

also Deputy Liaison Rep. ·. Log. ·. No. 1892 "GEORGES MARTIN" belonging to the Paraguayan Jurisdiction and entitled: Chronicle of Distinguished Visitors to the Jurisdiction Paraguaya OMMI

Finally, I would like to quote a small catalog of the volumes that can be in Buenos Aires, in the library Losada, 1552 Corrientes , with their titles: Eve Humanity, The Apprentice Lodge work and Combination Masonry The Human Right.

Eva in humanity. Author: Mary Deraismes.

a summary prepared by the author of his speeches. Eminent feminist and founder of Le Droit Humain OMMI - The Human Right.

Combination Masonry human law. Author: Noëlle Charpentier.

History of the Order of Co-Freemasonry Le Droit Humain International - The Human Right through its International convents and their federations. Noëlle

Charpentier, scientific and member of the Masonic Order International Joint Le Droit Humain - The Human Right before us in this work in a pleasant and documented the history of this centuries-old order. It was in 1892 when being the first mixed lodge, Maria Deraismes, Georges Martin and other leading French feminists stepped instrumental in the creation of modern Masonry. Stated

entertaining way, the teacher tells Charpentier events in more than a century, shaped the Order: the creation of federations in Europe, its spread by the British Empire, America, Oceania, Africa, reaching be an international Order, adding women and men of different ethnicities, faiths and cultures.

The birth of the Supreme Council of the Federation umbrella body and promoter of the Lodges Pioneers, the establishment of an Assembly, where every five years brings together representatives of all countries with presence of the Order, the vicissitudes of spread over five continents, are some of the milestones that the author emphasizes making alive and tell the story of how Freemasonry exciting inclusive, humanist, secular, and today has grown and developed.

Work in Apprentice Lodge. Author: James Lonvy. Work in

Apprentice Lodge, the Masonic method, the customs accompanied by a glossary of terms used.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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The Bridge

Bridge, life and rise of Barack Obama, David Remnick, director of The New Yorker .

... "acted dignity as if they were proprietary, which granted them only as they saw fit. However, dignity is a human right that we earn at birth ", pg. 118.

Editorial Debate, 2010.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Ivan Herrera Michel Elbio dialogue with Laxalt, President of Historic Document

By Ivan Herrera Michel met

Elbio Terra Laxalt in Montevideo, Uruguay in May 2004 on the occasion of one of my visits to the Grand Orient Freemasonry Universal Joint, today the Grand Orient Freemasonry Uruguay.

By this time, I was a few days be elected in Santiago de Chile and the Secretary General founder of the American Masonic Conference - COMAM - and he was already in love with the American Federation of Craft Masonry - PEAKS - born two years ago in Sao Paulo, Brazil. What are the two most progressive organizations spectrum have existed in America at the symbolism.

From the beginning, we share a mutual interest in working for a progressive Masonry grouped into a single continental space, and since the first General Assembly of COMAM in Barranquilla in February 2005, presiding over me, I had the great honor of presence and lights. In parallel, the same year he was elected President of PEAKS. Responsibility where he has been reelected twice.

Professionally, Elbio Laxalt was - in his youth - a proofreader (if the editorial published with linotype, with lead-based printing) and in love with the printers, with whom he won his life. During his exile in Paris between 1979 and 1985, studied economics and philosophy. Subsequently he has been a teacher, journalist, writer, international lecturer, manager at the Ministry of Tourism and the state telecommunications company, and has represented his country at various international meetings. He was a member of many associations humanist, anti-discrimination and human rights and citizens. Is directive the union of middle of your business. It is also a passionate advocate of free thought in society. In his life

Masonic Grand Master was the founder of the Grand Orient Freemasonry Universal Joint - GOFMU - from Uruguay (1999 - 2002), is the current Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, AASR 33 of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay , and is charged with the mission for Latin America of the Universal League of Freemasons (LUF 1905). Has not missed work.

on his wife, Myriam Tardugno Garbarino, he made it clear recently that Masonic affairs, "not a" sister "or a" lady. " On the occasion is a Masonic experiente with many years of national and international institutional life. It was Venerable Master of Lodge, Grand Master of our obedience for three consecutive terms, has the 33 ° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, as part of the officers of the Supreme Council, 33 ° as Lieutenant Commander and has the Order of the Rite V ° French given by the Grand Orient of France. Today is the 1st. Vice Grand Master of our Order. " On my words.

With Laxalt Elbio we advance the following dialogue:

1) My Q:. Bro. Elbio, Laxalt Elbio Who is in your own words?

My Brother, I will respond with a story, who does not know anyone except my companion, our sister Myriam. Brother Marc-Antoine Cauchie, President of clips and required reading for all Masons adogmáticos, in a rare gesture in an austere man and not inclined to flattery, one day approached me and said, among other very short expressions "Your sage est un frère" (You're a Brother "sage" which means in French: wise, thoughtful, giving proof of security in their judgments and conduct).

Moved by these words and feeling enormous affection in them, only I managed to say: "Mon Cher Frère, je suis seulement a travailleur" (My Dear Brother, I'm just a worker. " And he added with a smile and joked: "Bon, you travailleur est donc a sage" (Well, then you are a worker "sage").

With Brother Ivan Herrera, I repeat: I'm just an employee of the Work. I love not earn degrees, they know the rituals, which try to be a scholar. I'm not passionate about the medals or the rings, I have a passion for words and speeches full of praise and flattery, and unless the direct me to me, not me passionate about the verbiage without content, I was bored with the speeches where the speaker only hears itself. I love the Freemasons, their history, their characters, they move me deeply heroic stories, and love over the empty speech Masonic action. And when I have to address, as in Freemasonry the word is king, trying to say what I feel and think, the best way possible. And among us, and do not tell anyone: Elbio Laxalt is a stubborn man, who when he believes in the rightness of what he thinks and feels, going to the extent possible. Some say it is a heritage of my ancestors basque; ... and not a nod to our Dear Brother Otaola!.

2) Q:. Bro., Grand Lodges in Europe Women - I think with the exception of England - no problem allowing visits by men to their rituals taken. In America, as a general rule is exactly the opposite. Freemasonry In a majority (and sometimes wildly) male, GOFMU adopted the principle that where it entered the Masonic Masons they were not covered. I have not yet forgotten the surprise caused him in a Grand Lodge Women allowed into the Q:. Bro. Myriam without male escort. It seemed that nothing had prepared him for the reverse version of this practice. Faced with this reality, embrace diversity as it is or just create a mixed group?

I believe that Masonry is in the process of recasting. Let's see. 1717 was a relaunch, a process that decatholicize quite the old order, he introduced a social understanding of science, politics, democracy, and underpinned by values \u200b\u200bof honor, integrity and tolerance. The old Masonic network, the craft, which, apart from the church, was almost the only civil society existing at the time, received an injection of adrenaline. Had its limits, it is a shame for those who followed after, not for those who breathed life into him, like Newton and his companions. And then, reached a limit. The society was changing, and continues in this fast-paced, conflicting and contradictory process. We stagnant (for internal and external causes), and for about three or four decades we are looking back. We had lost the awareness that Freemasonry means change. Initiation is a change. The company remains unchanged. Humanity is moving. But many of us were paralyzed in the face of change, preferring to shut himself up in the certainties and customs. We flattened. Now I have no doubt that we are moving towards a relaunch. Can not say now whether it will have the same success as that of 1717. Maybe not even clear whether we have a date that would initiate the process. Maybe it could be the next assembly of clips in Strasbourg in the month of May and I hope that besides the balance of his 50 years, focusing on the outlook. It will be a great opportunity.

But, refoundational founding processes are always complex or because they are conservatives who want nothing and are progressives who want to go further. And there is the vast majority, in the middle, swaying. Finally, set the balance. The trouble is - among us - that unlike 1717, where Freemasonry was at the forefront, secular society today leaves us behind, and we stayed protesting that the company values \u200b\u200byou are missing. Not true, we should be more modest and do not blame anyone. We know we do not interpret what is happening in society, and do not know or do not dare yet to inject our values \u200b\u200bin a society in flux. We are still too timid, apathetic or asthenic.

the forefront of changes in Freemasonry came from women. They did not ask permission to go, were winning their rights, as they were making in society. It is perhaps the most genuine Masonic revolution that has occurred. And it's so well that even the ultra-conservative Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry began to discover that there are women who work Masonic "regularity." It really is tragicomic. It is inexplicable that there are people still believing that Freemasonry is not a matter also of women. However, all this tells us something: the situation is evolving, but so spontaneous. When the determined will to make things evolve, the movement is unstoppable. For example: will accept obediently CLIPSAS not to accept visitors from other Lodges - both belonging to the same organization - because in a case being men or women otherwise? It was perhaps significant that in the 60's of last century, to build strength, today actually weakens us, because we entrenched in conservative and closed positions. This is a weakness of Freemasonry liberal.

So I have no doubt that things will evolve into a progressive integration of men and women. Women and intelligent men, will understand that Freemasonry is not a thing for single women, single men or anything, and that the challenge is to the complementary and Masonic work together.

3) What have represented our region for almost nine years of existence of the Inter-American Confederation of Craft Masonry - PEAKS -?

CIMAS was created to give you an opportunity to interact with each other, to obedience, sometimes small, they were excluded from the circuit of Obedience to consider themselves "official" within the liberal camp. Masonic Lodges were working seriously, regularly, some with a good impression on society, but which, not being in the circles of the Lodges themselves "important" and "recognized" were considered a sort of freemasonry of second class. In fact, they are marginalized. What was different was that at that time, some heterodox said: why do you have to keep begging for recognition? Should we ask permission to practice Freemasonry? Why do we need to "patent" when our unique patent-values, principles and ideals that sustain and practice? That is, we became aware that Freemasonry is a social phenomenon that comes from a traditional initiatory transmission. But that should not have "owners." And it was not right to feel culturally subordinate Lodges were often not even seriously example, and were recognized because they are handled in certain circles of power. We felt we were no more likely than others, but no less. And we carry out a Declaration of Principles that Freemasonry is an example of progress in our continent. It cost a lot, as it sought to ignore. And I must stress the significant role played by the Sister Vera GLADA Facciollo of Brazil, uniting wills from the late 90's.

I think the picture has changed substantially. We are a reality. We succeeded in proving that Freemasonry is not the first or second, and that mistaken who think that schema play unfair. There are still those who insist that an alleged majority is right. They do not understand that the majority may be right, only when the minority are respected. Obedience housed CIMAS who demonstrated, in many cases for the first time, through their membership of the Confederation. CIMAS merely demonstrated that it is a serious Masonic entity that does what it has to do with respect for everyone, but require in turn be respected. Not seeking any hegemony, nor dispute anything to anyone. As we have said all along, our vocation is to be a positive factor contributing to the overall vision of the continent's liberal freemasonry.

Today we can not conceive of a liberal and adogmática Freemasonry in America without the contributions over the course of these years CIMAS has done. Seminars, forums and meetings have demonstrated the quality of their thinking and the nature of Freemasonry practiced.

4) We shared the passion to dream of a string of liberal Union of Freemasonry in our continent. How do you see things? Suddenly we see white smoke?

You said. The unit is a dream. The problem is that sleep is only the stimulus projection onto the reality is the hard part. We are in a continent with a culture where we like declamation. Is good because it strengthens the dream. But what makes the projection onto reality, there is a big step, not easily passable. The spouting is that no one not speak of unity, fusion, etc.. In the speech. The reality is that, when specific initiatives, obstacles arise.

However, we three made significant, which probably will be milestones in the future. The first is when we signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the American Federation of Craft Masonry - CIMAS and American Masonic Conference - COMAM. This document was signed in Barranquilla, Colombia on October 29, 2009, jointly by the Executive Secretary COMAM, Brother Louis Daly (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York Omega and Secretary of clips) and President of peaks in the presence and witness of Brother Ivan Herrera Michel, at that time officially attending as Vice President of clips. Therefore represented the signatories, and even more so for the content of this document, has undoubtedly been the most serious attempt has been to unify into one organization to the Masons of a liberal. The document has been widely reported, and its contents are known. However

you have any comments.

emphasize the value of transparency ethics. In the same details all the steps that would culminate in a unit where no mechanism or disown those who carried it forward.

also emphasize the high level of democratic participation schedule, where all the Masonic organizations of the continent would work on developing a common statement of principles, which was the guiding document for the new unitary authority.

also would be undertaken for the purpose of subjecting all the Lodges from both entities, a new operating rules.

And in this transition process, as they met those requirements, its address would be in charge of a team with a president and two vice presidents. Stressed that the agreement provided that to the presidency was to seek the assistance of a Masonic character of the continent's first line, and that within both organizations and COMAM PEAKS, revert to the two vice presidencies. I emphasize this point, it clearly speaks of honesty and transparency of the process proposed, and the level of renunciation of the two leaders which meant a very strong signal that a process of genuine unity must leave aside any hegemonic claim to put first Masonic Village desires of our continent. In an atmosphere of great enthusiasm and hope, the assembly voted unanimously CIMAS this document, October 31, 2009.

5) What happened next?

Well, the reality is that he spent almost a year and a half, and we have not officially part of the least COMAM communication. We know that COMAM met in New York in May 2010 and would have supplanted the Brother Louis Daly. But we were never officially or who were new COMAM authorities, or that had happened to the document we signed. Yes we have made contact with rumors from the Internet. But a minimum of seriousness on our part does not allow us be guided by rumors, less serious issues, and when the sensitivity in play so many brothers and sisters of our continent are in the process of unity one of the most anticipated goals. Therefore, for this is a document CIMAS absolutely valid, given that was approved by our assembly. However, we could not pretend to ignore that, obviously, these high-level agreements, certainly not generate the enthusiasm of our partners have enabled us to be passing successfully through the process of unity, and creating a new historical circumstances. But it is not something new in history, and surely this, his infinite patience, it will go even creating new land on which to build new prospects. I wish to greet with affection the greatness of spirit and vision of the Beloved Brother Louis Daly, who played at that moment what was best for Freemasonry liberal of our continent. Surely new land are waiting for the foundations of new works by the Brother Daly, an experienced and dedicated man.

The second milestone, that I wanted to comment, is the joint document signed in Lima, Peru, on November 9, 2010, amid peaks and CCPOMA, Continental Confederation of American Masonic Powers, headed by Brother Carlos Pacheco Giron.

In this paper, we find that we must continue taking steps for the unit, and that we must build on land that will allow us broader approaches. For this reason we call work to go to shape the American Masonic Area, where you can meet the widest range of continental Freemasonry, from existing clusters, such as PEAKS, COMAM the CCPOMA and still others. Perhaps this form of unity, less structured, as part of the reality of what has already been made, without changes, will allow us to meet certain common goals, we allow the unity of action.

And the third fact, I encourage Historic declare, is what we have done here in Venezuela, with the Masonic meeting issued an important document entitled "Declaration of Puerto Cabello. Three entities

continental Freemasonry Liberal: Continental Confederation Masonic Powers, CCPOMA, the American Federation of Supreme Councils of the REAA, FASCREAA and the American Federation of Craft Masonry, tops, accompanied by four Masonic Lodges, the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Venezuela, Grand Orient of Uruguay Franc-Masonry, the Grand Lodge Constitution of Peru and the Colombian Federation of Masonic Lodges, then staged a fact no doubt that we categorize as of great importance.

Naturally, we must move forward, without preconceptions, overcoming obstacles, opening up wider horizons of understanding, with a also great vision of who we are and our potential, without loosing sight of reality, which always affects us.

6) Could you tell us because this meeting is not "one more", but a milestone for American liberal freemasonry?

course, things are not given. Will be put into operation. A meeting and a statement may be only a flashy, if they never put the dedication and commitment to pursue agreed. But I think this is also part of the change of attitude we should star, and we are doing.

First, that this meeting took place in a framework reinserting the Masons Venezuelan unit box liberal continental Freemasonry. Venezuelan Freemasonry naturally live their own process. Has a great history, experience and presence. But she, for various reasons, very interesting, but beyond the content of this interview, tended in recent decades relative isolation. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Venezuela, created in 1918 and lodges dating back to 1823, and current Grand Master, Illustrious Bro. Hector Maduro Ghersi, are trying to overcome this trend, and very carefully, but also a lot of courage are taking the necessary steps for re-inserted into Freemasonry international. This is very good and auspicious, and our presence was due to this process, because this obedience is applying for membership to clips and PEAKS.

not No stranger to all this historical framework imposed by the bicentennial of the American Emancipation, which conditions us with reason and feeling, as my sister in history, and imposes a horizon.

But it is important for the content, a Declaration that emphasizes our core features such as Liberal Freemasonry, and because it stands alone in declamation.

7) How can materialize the nodal points of the same?

One, which confirms unit's horizon is the creation of an area American Masonic, where everyone in the framework of its independence and sovereignty, in plurality, may advance the unity of action around common goals. That this is a realistic perspective gives cautious outlook for progress at the present stage.

And two, because he took an important decision, as co-sponsor a Chair in International Studies Free Masons, to open our academic perspective where Masons and non Masons of our continent, but also outside it, in a open and liberal framework, to investigate, analyze, disseminate their work and studies on the institution Masonic in our continent.

These are enormous challenges in different dimensions, but complementary, and give us clear goals. And of course, take this opportunity to call the Masons and non Masons intellectuals begin to be integrated into this perspective. There is already an international experience, as in Europe where scholarship on freemasonry are developing successfully, and it is good that we also inserted into that socket.

Thus we are giving cause to the aspiration of joining the Freemasons, which must be nurtured through specific things, and not just good intentions.

8) In your opinion, "That vision of unity, is a pure and simple "bringing together what is scattered" or is a Masonic clustering on very specific in that not all fit?

somehow foreshadowed this in response to the above. I think we should move forward on a multilateral basis. Obviously not all think alike, but we also know that we share a general idea and a common sensibility. We must move in concentric circles. Nothing prevents us from having a place of unity of action Masonic spectrum. And at the same time, to go looking for more specific mechanisms of understanding, on the one hand and more convergence on the other. We are in a world in motion, and a masonry being changes and evolution. Our perspectives are changing, and everything from one perspective, is rebuilding. The only thing we can do, is not in motion, watch for new phenomena, and consider how we can promote our values \u200b\u200bof progress in these multiple perspectives. What is clear is that the global movement is also in us, and structures that do not adapt will suffer a lot. New prospects may appear, and others, vigorous at some point, may weaken. Masonic unity must take account of these phenomena. Therefore, those who seek to dominate and / or control processes, probably mistaken. And, worse, risk pushing back the horizons of unity.

On the other hand, the turbulence are also creating new entities, some ephemeral, others more long winded. So we must be vigilant. I think poverty is a sign of trying to collect accessions only taking into account the quantitative aspects. "If I have more lodges, or allegiances to support me, I'm stronger than the other or us right", etc. That authority, based on having and not in being and in the construction of ideas, is also present in many ways, and one must be careful not to fall into this spiral of power. As in all that is Masonic, the balance is desirable.

9) Q:. Bro. Elbio, I have heard and read about some curious decisions are taken on behalf of the "liberal" of Freemasonry as liberal and "progressive" of Masonry progressive. It is as if the term authorized the departure from tradition or were a Letter of Marque to "reinvent" Masonry. In your opinion, what is it exactly that Masonry might be called liberal and progressive?

The problem is that today we are in trouble with the terms and concepts. But let's look at the problems of the English language academy ... Is that Masonry was not liberal? Beginning by the father of political liberalism and philosophical empiricism, John Locke, who influenced the thinking of the Enlightenment. And as liberalism, it probably was in the Masonic ranks which first popularized the term.

course, these concepts now recovering again in new contexts. Mainly because there seems to be a dominant conservative presence in our institution Universal force, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry majority.

This conservative, suffers from several ailments. I think the main one is the tendency to impose its hegemony on the universal Freemasonry, indicating who or who the Lodges "Legitimately" Masonic. Secondly, certain impositions on their composition, mainly denying the Masonic status of women. Third, enforcement doctrines, namely: belief in a creative principle called Great Architect of the Universe, believing in the immortality of the soul, working in the presence of a holy book on the occurrence, the Bible. We are witnessing the famous song of the regular, non-existent issue in the Masonic tradition, and created entirely by English Freemasonry as a strategy of power.

These, then, the main characteristics dictated primarily by the United Grand Lodge of England. But let

more closely, because the picture is not so linear. Women. This is no longer Masonic denied as a possibility, and is accepted under certain conditions, ie, of "regularity." This regularly changed in 1999 when the Grand Lodge of England released a statement saying almost anonymous recognizing some lodges of women, since they worked regularly. But not all the lodges of women, or mixed lodges. What was that regular women? Exactly the same practice that GLUI Freemasonry, but without accepting men in their outfits.

Interestingly, all Grand Lodges worldwide, about the GLUI feudalized after that date, they began - in some cases with well-known difficulties - to encourage the creation of women's Grand Lodges.

regard to issues of doctrine, there are a lot of Grand Lodges that have all the same parameters GLUI conventional (masculinity, GADU, Bible, belief in the immortality of the soul, etc..) If they are not yet recognized by it. And there are a number of women's Grand Lodges that meet these requirements of regularity, which are also recognized by the GLUI.

Then the picture is more confusing, and it becomes clear that what prevails is especially political relations and hegemony.

So the problem is raised. And questions arise. For example, all Grand Lodges and Grand Orients are not recognized by the GLUI, are liberal and progressive adogmáticos, by virtue of not being recognized by the Masonic conservative camp leader? Personally I do not think.

Obedience "All women should be considered within the liberal Freemasonry, by the mere fact of being female? Nor do I think. It could have been very important this fact before accepting resolutions British female Masonry "regular." And that's not underestimate the significant progress that women represented Freemasonry, as we noted above.

Since the 70 century XIX, two Lodges, the Grand Orient of Belgium, the first and the Grand Orient of France then made another cut: the absolute freedom of conscience. What was? In releasing its members (and their Lodges) in all matters related to the metaphysical aspects, becoming these proprietary assets of individual conscience. Naturally, these positions caused the excommunication of the Masonic GLUI. But remained present, and were even taking acceptance in many places.

Finally, after remade the postwar European Freemasonry, in the 60 CLIPSAS is created with the aim of being a binding site did not accept that Freemasonry English regularity, which has had the great virtue of being the most important forum of all this masonry, grouping some 65 organizations today Masonic changing international landscape of Freemasonry.

CLIPSAS The common feature is the acceptance by those who are part of the absolute freedom of conscience and perfect mutual tolerance. And questions also arise here. What is the current definition of absolute freedom of conscience? Is it the same as in the 60's? For example, a member of Masonic power clips, which in its statutes deny the possibility of initiation of an atheist, would you allow a visitor to a Brother or Sister atheist? Powers CLIPSAS members, those who are male or female, are open to receiving the other gender Masons? In an institution that proclaims absolute freedom of conscience, can impose positions obediently accepted just "awareness" to its members?

This problem arises, of course the need to get honest with ourselves, to address within our current "liberal" some of these issues, to star in significant progress toward the future.

10) What are the limits of what "liberal" as Masonic?

I think at present, the limits of liberal are marked to prevent discrimination in all its forms in our institution, and absolute respect for minorities.

11) I have also heard and read about some curious decisions are taken on behalf of the Tradition and the Manners and Customs of Ancient Masonry, and again I say it's as if these expressions give for a stony immobility and timeless. In your opinion, how should we take this tradition and the ancient usages and customs?

The French Socialist leader known early twentieth century Jean Jaures said that "maintaining the tradition, keep the flame, not the ashes. " This has the full force of my knowledge.

Tradition, to be authentic, must be a key that opens the doors to the future. Rather, it is nothing more than empty nostalgia and pure irrelevance. Nothing but form without substance.

12) And tucked into these depths, how should we address the relationship between Tradition and Modernity in a Masonic context progressive?

Today as never before, perhaps as always, our traditions should serve the future. This means that our values \u200b\u200band core principles, our founding ideals, those that are in place yet, and have a large force of projection, we must defend, irradiating to protect them. I refer to our ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, absolute freedom of conscience, democracy, India, Secularism. Our strong values \u200b\u200bof justice, solidarity, tolerance, prudence. But the time to pursue those ideals may be required for new projects, according to the state of society, culture and civilization. Our tradition is to continue the legacy of the Enlightenment, to continue to build the human being and society, taking into account the new historical contexts.

Freedom content was very precise in the eighteenth century, essentially political and contained in a letter. Today in addition to those, you also have to do with, for example, control subliminal manipulation techniques able to handle the emotions and feelings toward specific targets far from the real need or desire of the individual. Or in terms of social inequality, to prevent personal information, such as medical treatments can cause different in other areas, such as labor rights. Two issues now entirely possible to do, and with almost no social and legal control. Also today is absolutely necessary to warn that neo-religious and moral darkness that threatens us, through a strong fight for secularism and freethinking as the basis of democracy and the republic.

We do not have any complete certainty how to perfect the human being, or how to build the society. But we do know that if our ideals are denigrated, obscured, defeated, trivialized or ridiculed, is the project of a decent human being and freedom in a just and fraternal society that is destroying it. Is a future of human civilization is putting what is in question. For this is that as initiates, our responsibility is so great.

progress Freemasonry is one that within the Liberal family pushing a strong alternative. It is looking into the future, to project toward the construction of a society and civilization response to the concerns and uncertainties of this human.

why Masonry should not compromise progress in advancing its ideals strong. While for many the strategy is able to influence, for us the main thing is to consolidate the power of our ideals. There can be a process re-founding of universal Freemasonry, without the power consolidator ideals. Therefore, a basic factor for us is the consolidation of our thinking. Because, by choice, for this way we make our unique contribution to the universal Freemasonry.

The purpose of our initiation process is right here. The words are important, and our Masonic Initiation progress is neither a revelation nor a magical lighting, not a dogmatic system. It is an essentially progressive human being who is made to himself, grown himself in his human nature, in a sense challenging, able - after having found the movement initiation - to continue it with energy.

The initiation process is that of a human being open, which seeks to win every day in a more self-control, which continues to be introduced in a humanity that is built.

13) Q:. Bro. Elbio, in a speech Lisbon, Portugal, last year, as part of the 4 th International Masonic meeting, I noticed that he said that "we must be careful: not everything that goes around and says Masonic withstand minimum analysis." "We could you please expand a little on this?

Dear brother, and I am deeply convinced that we must open opportunity, with generosity and altruism, I also often felt amazed at the irresponsibility, lack of seriousness and the ease with which some topics are covered Masonic. What creates sharp distortions in the system, removing the seriously enough to their healthy goals. I will not provide examples, but some people around the Masonic ideas have established business systems, sales of grades, delivery degrees cheerfully, without any support for training and / or study. Have even created "Masonic churches, with their bishops and priests. Internet has fostered a lot of these practices. I believe that, without closing doors, it must be rigorous to identify best practices Masonic. These years as president of CIMAS have allowed me to make contact with many of these expressions, seeking legitimacy, not on institutional strengthening and training of its members, but in the pursuit of external recognition. What is ominous is that many times good brothers and sisters are tempted by some of these expressions, which ultimately end in failure, or disastrous human experiences, what they do is put into question our work in general. So I think also that our preaching and information to society should be transparent, separating it from such harmful practices.

14) I see that between Spain and Latin America has been some coolness, to say the least, at the time of building bridges between Masonic related models. In his concept What happened?

I think we're talking about different realities and perceptions. I think that Spain is still looking for masonic after the Franco terrible that for decades created an anti-Masonic culture. It is true that the Franco regime ended long ago. But not enough we realize that not so long ago from the standpoint of historical and anthropological. What are 40 or 45 years in history? The mark and anti-Masonic prejudices endure even a long time. You see the constant preaching of Catholic leaders to realize the heaviness is submitted to the English society. We can almost say that it is heroic what they have done. It is normal that even they are in a stage to fix things at home. I do not think you have cold, rather I think they're our brothers and sisters English many tasks and problems to solve. As also we have, incidentally. But little by little, I think those ties are stronger and stronger, and personal friendships and work and exchange visits are creating a fertile ground for the development of Latin American relations. We have a tradition, we have not yet fully enhanced. For example, the important role played by migrations Masonic and Masonic Republican progressivism of some of our American countries. We have a whole field yet to be discovered, and it would be interesting in the future progress in research on historical bridges on both sides of the Atlantic. I have the hope that the Chair Free International we are creating can be a support of those searches, which will also help us to greater interaction and integration between the Masons on both sides of the Atlantic, without forgetting our Portuguese brothers, whose presence on our continent, beyond Brazil should be investigated, because I think it is more important than you think.

15) Why the Grand Orient of France, on this side of the Atlantic Ocean more closeness with liberal Lodges of the Iberian Peninsula?

This is true, but it is a cyclical phenomenon over time, which sometimes takes strength and vigor, and sometimes fell. Paris since the nineteenth century is a source of Masonic light, and our brothers in the story went a look at France. Do not forget that if the republican idea was centered in France, the great specificity Republican is in the Americas. That fine line is still in force. And our French brothers, the promotion of exceptional men (think, for example, Alain Fumaz Brother has come to our continent cultivating friendship and presence of the Grand Orient de France), do not let the flame goes out. And many Americans, that we draw on the French culture and admire the masonry gala, we have also our own to maintain these bridges always current.

It would also be very interesting to develop other friendships with waves Masonic historical roots. For example, in the American South, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and certainly possibly in other countries, the presence and influence in our mainland Italian Freemasonry was important. Think of Giuseppe Garibaldi, for example. So we must build bridges with the Masons also italics.

16) On another topic, and despite the altruistic efforts of many Masons and Masonic, unfortunately personal grudges, and interobediential interlogiales follow the agenda. A brother, half joking and half serious, says this Landmark is the only universally practiced. Could it be that someday overcome this practice and fly higher?

would be desirable. But if we look at history, Freemasonry was stalled when he had those challenges, those controversies and debates of ideas, and concerned only the power apparatus. Now we're in a great period of change, where Freemasonry is looking for his destiny. And this inevitably brings controversy, debates, quarrels and struggles of projects. It is not all bad, as long as those discussions to achieve aim higher, to a more fruitful field, such as ideas, rather than the personal impressions and struggles of bureaucracies. All we can prudently contribute.

17) From the top of their experience and insights, what would you recommend a Trainee or a you just go through the Masonic initiation? How to polish the rough stone in the midst of so many urban legends (and intramasónicas) that exist on the Order?

I, my Dear Brother, I can speak for myself. But you say to an apprentice (in fact, what I say whenever I can do): focus on growth, without looking at the successes or failures, on all these, from those who should take the lead, in this way cultivate magnanimity, knowing that tomorrow can touch us us. Cultivating critical thinking and not believe everything they tell us, but trying to understand why what we are told. Nurturing freedom of spirit, accept the discipline and hierarchy of grades, but not overwhelm the dignity left. And cultivate perseverance, despite the setbacks. Many times the life of an apprentice or partner is not comfortable, especially when he has to have at his side paid teachers themselves, who think that every time you open your mouth, leaving the words of the great initiates, or taken to Fellow apprentices not mature people, often with important life experiences, but as school children. Many times I have found there is a infantilization of our Brothers and Sisters of some teachers. This is something I've fought all my Masonic life, and I will continue to do so. Polishing the stone needed for learning. This issue is one, but how many stones we throw before we get a valid stone?

18) Finally, let a little of the humanity of his marriage to the former Grand Master Tardugno Myriam, 33, and the role they have played together in the public arena of the Order. Tell me, what makes each one pairing?

Actually, you make me tough questions.

I'm going to confess something between us, of course. With Sister Myriam we have achieved a great complementarity in secular life. Both share an austere lifestyle, we love the home, discovering corners of our country or the sites we visited. When we have time we go to camp on the banks of a river or stream. We love to vacation in the small towns of our ocean coastline. We had very few inconsistencies by the vicissitudes of secular life. But often strongly debated the various aspects of Masonic life. Of course, in brotherhood. And we complement each other quite well, as she is, in my case, often brings me to the ground, I put the necessary pragmatism share. But we have much respect for each other, in our beliefs, our ideas. And for many years shared this adventure together. And a little clarification: Freemasonry was his admission of his own accord, not because I have had some influence in this regard. Your income is not processed through me.

Thank you, Q. ". H. '. Elbio.

Source: Forgive the word - personal blog of Ivan Herrera Michel