Monday, October 29, 2007

How To Get Credits On Poptropica Free

What is your reason not to go to the movies?

What is your main reason not to go to the movies? Tickets

53% (29)
Me Internet downloads by 13% (7)
more comfortable at home on DVD or 5% (3)
The low education of other spectators 29% (16)
Poor quality of room 0% (0)

Source: Survey Cinempatía

In Cinempatía we conducted a survey to ask our visitors about their reasons for not going (more) to the movies. Well, as we see in the results table, more than half of respondents, refer to the ticket price as a determining factor when going to the movies. Or rather, as the main reason for not going to the cinemas. I agree, especially if we consider that the tickets cost about 7 euros approximately, and in some places jumps to the 8 euros. Undoubtedly, a relatively considerable money and high.

The second most popular choice is surprisingly poor education of other spectators. Even more downloads on the Internet or DVD in the comfort of home. Is it really a social phenomenon go to the movies? Does it affect all age groups? Are we losing respect and becoming sad?

An example: last Tuesday, I went to film screenings, in Madrid, to see 'Fracture'. Fortunately, the room was not too full, so I thought I would enjoy even more of the film. This time there would be no kids or teenagers talking on the phone. But again, elderly people flocked to the room ... with its consequences, already known. If we often complain about mobile phone of another person, this time is to tolerate the comments up, so relentless, draining individuals belonging to this group. Is it something that only happens to me?

do not say I just ... it seems, if the tickets were cheaper, people would rather not go to the movies for the low education of other viewers ... and remember, of all ages.


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